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Palina27: god i want marilyn manson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ayahuascadreams: i want marilyn manson too....i don't think he's available on ebay
Palina27: wah!
Palina27: i had a dream about him
Palina27: we ALMOST had sex
ayahuascadreams: what happened?
ayahuascadreams: oooh....details?
Palina27: well, he was holding this big audition for writers for a book he wanted written
Palina27: i dunno how you audition to be a writer, but, idunno, whatever.
Palina27: anyway laura was auditioning and she was wearing a red, sparkly cape.
ayahuascadreams: well, you have to make sure the writer has the style and format you're looking for. different people write very differently
ayahuascadreams: and?
Palina27: before the auditions i was standing in the big room thingy where everyone was getting ready for their auditions, and marilyn manson walked up to me. because i was dressed in black and all creepy looking, and everyone else looked pretty much normal.
Palina27: i told him i wasn't auditioning, i was just there with a friend. and he was like "well, can you write?" and i said yeah, kinda
ayahuascadreams: yeah....a whole book written in rhyming verse
Palina27: so i guess he was kinda thinking about getting me to write for him, whether i auditioned or not.
Palina27: but anyway, after the auditions he asked me to go back to his room with him.
ayahuascadreams: purrrrrrr
Palina27: we were on the bed, naked, about to have sex, when suddenly someone came in and dragged him away saying he had to be somewhere.
ayahuascadreams: as opposed to being on the bed, naked, about to play scrabble?
Palina27: uh...yeah.

GOD, that dream frustrated me!!!

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