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The Boxwork

Okay, its not going to be anything fancy, its just someplace to store my artwork, and so if they want.. people can look at it and all of it glory. So enjoy if you wish.
:: Feb. 19, 04 :: Yea, its been awhile since I even thought about updating, and lookie here. Its a miracle! I'll be trying to update more often. And maybe I'll even become less lazy and actually put pizazz into this place. Maybe not. I dunno. You'll just have to seeee...

The Art

The first of many on this site, go 'head.. knock your socks off.
Hug it. HUG IT
Garou.. and a coyote thing.
Don't adjust your monitor. Or I'll eat you.
Yep. Tis me.. I think.. -squinty eyes-
1 of the 3 things Coyotes are. :) Friendly.
And Intellergent.. :)

The Spiff - the most wonderful peoples in the world. ::Much <3, and excessive hugging::

[ B l a q r i o t : the art of jaime sidor ]
Overkill - Art by Dane W.
Kyoht's Art
Golden Wolf's Art