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Okay~Welcome to the Archive of Poul! If you are here, you are looking for info on how to actually submit a fic! That's great! I always need to expand my Archive, and new writing always adds to the diversity! First: You write the fic (duh!) Second: Type on a computer, and save as either a .txt file, or a .html file. (If you can't do the .html part, don't worry, I can.) Third:Go online, log in to your E-Mail account, attach the story, and send it to me at Four:Check the site on occasion, and read your fanfic online! So, what are you still doing here? Go write a fanfic, and send it to me!

Please edit your Fic! There is a SPELL CHECK on most computers! I hate having to sit up all night correcting grammer, I am not your teacher! I will not post Fic's on the web if it takes too long! And, keep this in mind when you attack something to e-mail, I do not have a ZIP DRIVE! I cannot open files saved under .zip! If I cannot open it, I cannot read it! If I cannot read it, I WILL NOT POST IT!!!!

Contest! I am asking for someone to design a sunset for the Sunset Warrior on the front page. Yeah, I may have drawn the Samurai fairlly easily, but I find myself very unable to draw the Sunset that is supposed to in the background! .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .bmp are all allowed. If you want me to send the picture of the Sunset Warrior, just e-mail me and I will willingly oblige, as I am at my wits end at what to do!
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