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Common Japanese Terms

This is a list of Japanese words that appear in some FanFiction. I am
taking a guess that most people on line do not speak fluent
Japanese. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry, because I don't speak Japanese.
If you do, you really don't need to be here!

Japanese English
Anata You
Anata no oname wa nan des ka What is your name?
Anne-san Older Siter
Are That(Which is Over There)
Are wa nan des ka What is that?(Which is over there)
Ashiteru I Love You
Atashi You(Used by Females)
Baka Idiot (used as a swear word in Japan)
Boku I(Used by males)
Chichi Father
Doko Where
Dare Who
Dame No / Not Right
Doko kara kimashita ka Where are you from?
Dochira sama desu ka Who are you?
Dozo yoroshiku Nice to meet you (may I ask you to be nice to me; said when you first meet someone)
Eigo English
Haha Mother
Hai Yes
Iie No
Ima Now
Imoto Younger Sister
Itsu When
Kaiyo Ocean
Kimi You
Kisama Man
Konbanwa Good Evening
Konnichiwa Good Afternoon (or Waz Up!)
Kore This
Kyodai Brother
Nan What
Nanda What / What is it
Nande Why
Nani What
Naze Why
Nihongo Japanese
Nozomi Hope
Oba-san Grandmother
Ohayo gozaimasu Good Morning
Ojii-san Granfather
Oka-san Mother
Omae You
Onna Woman
Onni-san Older Brother
Ore I(Used by men)
Otoko Man
Otomodachi Friend
Oto-san Father
Ototo Younger Brother
Owari The End
Papa Father
Senshi Soldier
Sepuku An honorable form of suicide
Shi Death
Shimai Sister
Shinigami God of Death(Duo Maxwell *_~)
Shinrai Trust
Sobo Grandmother
Sofu Grandfather
Sore That(Which is right here)
Tsuru Crane (the bird)
Watashi I
Watashi wa .... My name is....
Un Yes
Yamero Stop
Yamette Stop"/ "Don't

Japanese Numbers

Japanese English
Ichi One(1)
Ni Two(2)
San Three(3)
Yon Four(4)
Shi Four(4)(Impolite)
Go Five(5)
Roku Six(6)
Nana Seven(7)
Hachi Eight(8)
Kyu Nine(9)
Jyu Ten(10)
Jyu-ichi Eleven(11)
Jyu-ni Twelve(12)
Jyu-san Thirteen(13)
Jyu-yon Fourteen(14)
Jyu-go Fifteen(15)
Jyu-roku Sixteen(16)
Jyu-nana Seventeen(17)
Jyu-hachi Eighteen(18)
Jyu-kyu Nineteen(19)
Ni-jyu Twenty(20)
Ni-jyu-ichi Twenty-one(21)
Ni-jyu-ni Twenty-two(22)
Ni-jyu-san Twenty-three(23)
Ni-jyu-yon Twenty-four(24)
Ni-jyu-go Twenty-five(25)
Ni-jyu-roku Twenty-six(26)
Ni-jyu-nana Twenty-seven(27)
Ni-jyu-hachi Twenty-eight(28)
Ni-jyu-kyu Twenty-nine(29)
San-jyu Thirty(30)
Yon-jyu Forty(40)
Go-jyu fifty(50)
Roku-jyu Sixty(60)
Nana-jyu Seventy(70)
Hachi-jyu Eighty(80)
Kyu-jyu Ninety(90)
Hyaku One-hundred(100)

Japanese Phrases and Answers

Japanese English
Ogenki desu ka Are you in good spirits?
Hai, genki Yes, I am in good spirits.
Iie, genki ja nai No, I am not in good spirits.
Watashi no namae wa ____ desu My name is ____.
Nan sai desu ka How old are you?
Watashi wa ____ sai desu I am ____ years old.
____ kara kimashita I am from ____.
Nihongo ga hanasemasu ka Do you speak Japanese?
Hai, nihongo ga hanaseruyo Yes, I speak Japanese
Hai, sukoshi Yes, a little
Nani jin desu ka What nationality are you?
Watashi wa Amerikan-jin des I am American
Sore wa nan des ka What is that?(which is right here)
Kore wa nan des ka What is this?
Sou ka I see / Is that so?
Soudeska Is that so
Sou des Yes it is / Correct
So dayo Yes it is
Nande kikuno Why do you ask?
Shiranai I don't know
Shirimasen I don't know, but I could find out
Shitakunai I dont want to
Hajimemashite Nice to meet you(for the first time)
Shibaraku desu ne Long time no see
Ohisashiburi desu It's been a long time
Itte kimas I'll be back(I shall return)
Itte rashai Go and be careful
Tadaima I'm home(I'm back)
Okaeri Welcome home(welcome back)

I hope those have been usefull to you, I know they could have been useful to me, before I took Japanese! If you have any other terms which you feel should be added to the list, please e-mail me at with both Japanese and English translation! My Japanese sucks, and I cannot translate everything in the universe! If you have any trouble reading this, please contact me. I'm testing new background designs!

And many thanks to Ryo Toshimi for supplying the translations!