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Visions of the Heart

How often have you found yourself caught up in the web of society, tangled up and frustrated with the "what's", "how's", and "supposed to's" of day to day life? How do you intend to honor the very part of you that's losing out? What are you going to do to follow your heart's desire?
Well, I've spent a good deal of my life struggling with this very issue, and finally rediscovered my childhood passions just a short time ago. As a result, I offer these images and poetry as gifts of inspiration to each one of you with the hope that you may discover the path that leads you out of the web and back into your hearts. From there, may your world open the doors to your dreams and reveal all of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Voices...tldavis, 2000

distant voices
whisper words with vision
expanding our hearts

Curiosity...tldavis, 2000

eyes of wonder
innocent observation
swayed by perception

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Thank you so much for visiting, and please check back soon; there's always new and exciting things!
Hey, would you like to see more? Click here. Or follow this link to see how the images are layered with the poetry.

My story continues to unfold on yet another page. Please visit to discover the work I'm doing with and for people living with Multiple Sclerosis. If you know someone living with MS, or just happen to be that person, please be sure and stop by. You'll be glad that you did! I look forward to the future and sharing more with you!

Follow the image above and vote for my website as one of the top MS sites!!! Thanks, from my heart!

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A Selection of Portfolio's on the Web
Global Calendar 2001
US Creative
Writers Journal
Quill Spirit & Creativity
Outdoor Photographer
Art on the Net
Heifer International
Santa Fe Always Online
Dave Matthews Band