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Welcome! - Specials! From June 1 to July 31; MURALS: Receive $50 off of any mural of $500 or more; Caricatures: Order 3 hours of service and receive 1/2 off your third hour Ask about any specials for other services - Columbus, Ohio Freelance Commercial Artist Celia Messer.



 From June 1 to July 31

 Murals: Receive $50 off of any mural of $500 or more


Order 3 hours of service and receive 1/2 off your third hour

  Note: our Caricature service always includes one full body color caricature for child age 13 and under ($45 value)

Face Painting:

Order 3 hours of service and receive 1/2 off your third hour Note: our face painting service always includes one color caricature for child age 13 and under ($30 value)

 *All Specials are for Residential Customers Only

Ask me about any specials for other services

For Churches, Ministers and other Christian Artists.

This is our Main Ministry Page.

 The gifts that God has entrusted my wife and I with are to be given away for use in the body of Christ. To express the Word of God through Visual Art and the spoken Word. This has been and will continue to be a process of God's abounding Grace in our lives. Therefore, we will not set any amount for this ministry, as we have freely received and freely give to you. 

Also, we will be sharing more on this web site of our own discipleship in Christ, personal salvation, your discipleship in Christ, what we believe in and what we truly believe God is doing in these last days.

 Search this site, and if you see a need for Artwork, in your Church or ministry, prayerfully consider contacting us. Regardless, of the size of your Church or ministry, we are here to serve you all! 

We can custom design Artwork throughout your Church to help illustrate and materialize each ministry's vision.

Portraits in most any medium used to honor Pastors, Bishops or other Ministerial positions, baptistery paintings, murals, signs, logos, ministry props, scripted lettering or even caricature art as illustrations, gifts or for entertainment. Most any type of painting or drawings can be designed and finished from just your own vision. We can even provide faux finishes that provide an even more beautiful looking House of Worship without the high cost of more expensive materials.

Classrooms, youth-rooms, sanctuaries, nurseries, foyers, hallways, offices and more! Anywhere you need Artwork. 

  We have also been contacted by many Christian (Visual) Artists who need encouragement. We will continue to minister to you and all who need to stir up their gifts! Even more so, as the Lord enables. 

Joseph and Celia Messer


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Last modified: 06/02/09