The IVM meeting at Mt.Olympos. Greece 2000.
The village of Paleos Agios Panteleimonas.
Zagreas, our home during the three weeks we lived there.
With our friends from Eleftheria Newspaper.
Linus Bengtsson, Angelos Kyriacoudes and Kio Smallwood, in the days previous to the greenlight.
Angelos Kyriacoudes.
Angelos, Linus, Emre Serdar and Ahmet Aksay, after the greenlight.
Angelos with our albanian friend, Jetmir.
Kio Smallwood writing a letter to Becka, at night.
Stellios Makrovassilis, preparing his wing.
Flying the Thetis path.
Stellios and Emre taking off.
Exploring the range with scooters.
Sunset behind Mount Olympos.
Juan Manuel Ipiña.