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WARNING: The information provided on some of the following sites may be too graphic or disturbing for some persons. However, please visit these sites if you can. More people need to be aware of such disheartening issues so that something can be done about them. I ask you to please take action if you can. The truth may hurt, but acknowledgement is the first step in helping to put an end to such alarming incidents.

The following is a list of organizations that support animal rights. Please visit these very helpful and informative sites to learn more about animal abuse and join the fight for animal rights.

National Animal Interest Alliance
PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Animal Welfare Institute
All For Animals
In Defense of Animals
The National Anti-Vivisection Society
Animal Protection Institute
Animal Rights Coalition
International Wildlife Coalition
Animal Rights Law Project
New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance
Petitions for Animal Rights
Animal Lovers Against Animal Cruelty
The Vegetarian Site-Ethics and Animals
The Truth About Burger King