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Summer Fun!
Part I: SUMMER 2001

Ok. Here’s the laydown.
It’s summer. School is over....for some.
But not for me.
I’m taking Driver’s ED at 8:00
And SAT Prep at 10:30

Driver’s ED is boring as hell. I have this funny japanese-looking lady who puts on heavy makeup, fake eyelashes, 5 gold necklace chains, 5 gaudy gold rings, 7 gold bracelets, talks pigeon, and wears her hear in a beehive updo. Haha. Mrs. Cambra. She reminds me of my grandma.

Driver’s ED mainly consitsts of boring old Ford videos featuring 2 Haoles and 2 African Americans, and their Driver’s ED instructor, that go around explaining the rules of the road in an extremely corny fashion. It’s classic.

Anyhow. Public school is interesting. Interesting, being the key word here. ^-^ The first day of summer school, I’m standing in line at the office waiting to give them my ‘sick’ note/ ‘please excuse my absence’ form, and I can’t help myself from over hearing the conversation between these two girls who look like they’re in college.

Girl #1 says to the Girl#2: “Damn! This line is long.” And then Girl#2 looks at her, and asks her why she’s standing there, to which the Girl#1 replied, “Oh. My mom was giving me hell about our report cards you know? She wakes me up, first thing in the morning, and shouts all over the house, ‘Oh my God! Our daughter has not been allowed to advance to the next grade level!’ Whoo-hoo. Yeah. I kind of figured that after I failed English. *sigh* Another drop-out. “ Both of the girls laughed, and then the Girl#2 said, “That’s nothing. You should have seen the look on my parent’s faces when they found out that I had been caught by the police for drinking know Chad? ....Yeah. I was in the back of his car, and they had to pull us over. Haha..” Then Girl#1 asks Girl#2 how old she was, and she said, “Sixteen.” Girl #1 asks, “How old is Chad?” And Girl#2 says, “Twenty-two....but I don’t think he likes me anymore....he never calls ...”

...And that’s when I just felt like turning around and yelling at them.
God. Only in here for twelve minutes...and already I’ve met drop-outs, and under-aged drinkers. What next? LoL. Well, it turns out, I get to have at least one person I know in my class...Mitchell! How amusing. After class is over, we both walk over to SAT prep.

SAT prep is all about ‘beating the game’. Strategy. Pure strategy. And supposedly, this class, is supposed to help me outdo those other dumb kids. Haha. We’ll see about that. Right now, I have a 510 for Verbal and a 570 for Math. :) How pitiful. My teachers are interesting. (Heh. There’s that word again. ‘INTERESTING’.)

I made friends with erin’s friends....and this girl at the pick-up area where I wait. Other than that, those are the only people whom I got to know.

After SAT prep, I usually go home, turn on the crazy things like this...and watch tv, listen to music, talk on the phone, eat, sleep, drink, do my homework, read, write poetry, stories, and draw pictures. I wish everyday was summer vacation. But even then, I’ll need more time to do more of the things I’d like to. Such as GOING TO THE BEACH. I really want to go. In fact, I NEED to go. SOMEBODY TAKE ME!!!! I’m begging you! pleeeaaazzzeee!!!!!

Anyhow, to all you peeps out there, HAGS. Call me. IM me. E-mail me. Take me to the beach. I don’t care...just stay in touch.

Keep it real. Stay cool.
I’m out.

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