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    Good! You've decided to take the first step towards becoming an author, and that is allowing the public to read your works! Feedback can not only help you with your technical skills, but can aid you in honing in on your topics. People will e-mail you what they liked or didn't like about your pieces and what you choose to do with that information is entirely up to you!

The Merlin Pages welcomes submissions of every genre, about any topic, no matter the point of view.


Submission Guidelines:

  1. Must be in English!

  2. Any submissions, except poems, must be over 500 words.

  3. No threats or racial hate works will be accepted.


I hope most of you can work with these almost non-existent guidelines. If you can't, well, I don't think you'll ever get out of the aspiring stages of being an aspiring author. Anyways, now you're ready to submit so...

Send all submissions to:

We'll get back to you within a couple of days! Good luck and thanks!