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A Political Paradigm:

"New Age" Discrimination


In recent years, billions of government dollars which should have been allotted to a better, more beneficiary role in society, have been drained into the "war" against marihuana. Current marihuana policy is based on myth and exaggeration, not fact and reason as it should be. Reason would have us put that money into getting to the cause of society’s problems, such as the Schafer Commission of 1972 stated when they found it completely unrelated to any increase in crime and an actual decrease in aggression.

In a publishing by the International Journal of Addiction, they found that out of 268 homicides in NY State, only 18 had marihuana involved. In 15 of those alcohol or an even stronger narcotic were also present, and in none of the cases was marihuana found to be the cause by researchers. Considering that no dose of marihuana is strong enough to kill a human, what is the better option for that government funding: A drug that decreases aggression, or a handgun. Could a depressed person commit suicide with marihuana or a rifle? Or a murderer? A drunk husband? Even a baby could easily end his or her life with a gun. Marihuana? No.

And even though the Schafer Commission, appointed by President Nixon, also determined that use of marihuana "does not constitute a major threat to public health," the government continues to waste billions of dollars alienating, repressing, and creating slander against those who choose to use mere natural herbs. Those who choose to use marihuana could draw similarities to being black a century past – discriminated against by employers, government, law enforcement officers and even schools and parents. All this because of the government’s so called "war," based on misleading information and political reasons.

NO citizen of this country, the land of the free, should have to feel alienated, discriminated against, made to feel less than others, or repressed because of a private, personal, and harmless habit. The fight against this deep injustice needs to be accelerated or maybe even truly begun, and I feel myself to be in a good position to enact just that. I’m a young adult, which puts me exactly into the majority of people "discriminated" against by these laws and actions. I’m intelligent: I have been in ‘gifted’ programs for a large chunk of my education. I’m educated and articulate, passing thousands of dollars worth of College English classes as a sophmore in High School, with a schedule of similarly difficult classes, and a 3.2 GPA. I have a job, in which I currently am being considered for a managerial position. But most importantly: I’m motivated. I believe in these words with all of my heart and soul and would be dedicated in this task.

I am prepared to draft several articles for newspapers, flyers, and internet sites expressing these views in a publicly acceptable way, as well as the injustice that this "New Age" Discrimination has caused me and the people around me. I am also prepared to contact all local and national anti-marihuana prohibition groups for support, advice and exposure on this issue.

Below are a few facts about my case that may be meaningful to you, and played an important role in my discrimination as a citizen of this country:


Definition of discrimination;

The act of discriminating.

The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.

Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: "It's necessary to eliminate all forms of sexual discrimination" (Jimmy Carter). Bias

Definition of harassment:ha·rass
To irritate or torment persistently.

To wear out; exhaust.

To impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids.


Definition of repression:

Psychology. The unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires, or fears from the conscious mind.