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Era: Silk Velvet Bacterium

Site Update

  Site contents

-Dec 14, 2000: New Chatroom! still under construction though, keep on checking back, I'll be there soon.

-Dec 1, 2000: I'm starting to transform the page's appearance, era Silk Velvet Bacterium is reaching it's height!

-Nov 30, 2000: updated the bgm and added Kenshin's pic!

- Nov 20, 2000: installed the gallery page... links and pics still unavailable sorry about this but please come back again because I try to update the page everyday.

- Nov 19, 2000: I've installed the midi page however, links are still not operational





support? or just wanna contact us? then click on the Playful kid and send me, Marky, alias Ninja, an email!



how to be a ninja
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Kenshin's Page


MIDI SECTION the midi section is composed of contributed midis and game midis PAGE is offline
MP3 SECTION the mp3 section is currently being constructed PAGE Has been cancelled temporarily

See Ninja, the crew along with those who contributed their pics

PAGE is online
the deal what we're planning for the webpage, and how you can help us PAGE is online
great places  

places where you can find me, or, the people at the guests' pics who are from Manilaweb.

1. Manilaweb voicechat room - great place to meet cool people, I'm usually chatting here and my nick always is "\¬_¬./? ninja". in Canadian (British Columbia) time I'm usually here every Friday thru Sundays, from 9:00pm till 12:00 midnight.

2. MIRC - unlike other web-browser based chat rooms "Internet Relay Chat" is independent of a browser and uses it's own program to communicate to people across continents, Globally, via the internet. There approximately more than 1,500,000 users of MIRC, here in Canada alone, who are scattered all accross different servers and channels. The server you could find me at is on Undernet at the japan channel ie: #japan, my nick is usually TbassZZZZ.

3. 3dspline - greatest 3d graphics place I've ever been to, come here to download free 3d materials!

4. Anipike - cool place for an otaku, also a great place for someone to find out what the term "anime" means.

about the background: if you have any comments regarding the background, please email me at my goal is to make this webpage look professional.

Silk Velvet Bacterium