
Private Correspondence~Xtra~Answer


(Girls only!)

If you want a job, wear leather…or a sundress…or feathers, and be cute like a model.

I know a man who hired girls because they were cute. They would call in late. Didn’t have a clue how to make change. Would ask to leave early. Cried and manipulated their way into his emotions. They made a lot of extra work for him. He would have to reprice items because they fucked it up. He constantly had to fix things.

At first he thought it was okay because he would take them to lunch and he liked how the other men would look at him…lucky guy. He liked himself more when he was standing next to those girls. He thought it gave him value, but other wiser women would be hip to what the real deal was.

I think maybe men get points from other men when they hang with model girls. I’m not sure on this part.

Bimbos, watch out! I am on to you!

I love this man, he is related to me. I went in and cleaned house. Bye, bye bimbos. I hired a new crew headed up by an older, reliable woman. She oversees the younger girls that are primarily there so they get discounts on jewelry, money for clothes, and the status of working at one of the hot lakeside stores in town. So everything is okay now.

Too bad that men are so easily blind-sided. They think a leather-clad, tanning-bed princess will be tumbling in their bed. Not. You aren’t even on her list of “possibles.” They are looking for a rich man or one with "potential."

Secret:sssssssshhh______________ Here’s a bimbo employee test. Pull away from her. If she sucks up to you big time=bimbo. It will include, “I need you.” A regular, unmanipulative employee won’t do that.

P.S. Gay guys this will work for you too. My friend Martin said he made mistakes by hiring eye-candy too.