When it Comes Down to It
When it really comes down to it
I relize my own power.
I see my vision to change the world
and what my heart really can do.
When it comes down to it
my life has a special purpose
a meaning most won't understand
I have a purpose to be on this earth
to help, change and protect others
less fortunate then myself.
When it comes down to it
I relize how much love I do have
how much I have pretended not to see
I pur this dark shield over my face
not wanting to see what was truely out there
I wanted to protect myself
when really it did nothing but hurt my heart
when it comes down to it
I am myself and that should be enough
It should be enough to just be me
Why do I feel like I have to please others?
Why do I feel my life is being lived for others?
This is MY LIFE. This is the one thing I have power over.
I have power over myself
I can make myself anything and everything.
This is myself.
When it comes down to it
I am simply me....
Nothing more, nothing less.
I am simply myself.

Story about "When it Comes Down to It"
We all go through hard times in life, but in end you are still you...This sweet, innocent poem is really just saying don't loose site of yourself through the chaos of life.
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