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I know you care
you are always there
you're a shoulder
a heart of advice
I know you 
and you know me
but I will always have
things you don't see.
No you don't know every story
where every scar is from
No, you will never know how I got here
Or why I am going there
You will never know every thought
or every memory in my mind
You will never know all my demands
the pain of my past
the things that happend
things that didn't last...
I'll just smile
and show you a good time
I'll just let you know
you're a good friend of mine.
Think about it
It's just the way I am
I'm just a mystery
a secret
think about it as a discovery
a piece left of history
waiting for someone to uncover
unlock the unkown girl
from her own world. 
It's not that I don't trust you
It's just not my style
I'm not a cryin
give me attention
I am almost dyin
kinda girl...

unlock the unknown girl 

My friends, My family- they rock...They are always here
for me, no matter what. I am so lucky when it
comes to that...but, I am not really an emotional
person, besides in my writing. This causes problems.
My friends and family are very emotional and
they always want to know what is going
on in my life and its hard for me to open up and tell
my that is the reason I wrote this song.