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Life is a puzzle 
piece by piece 
one is missing 
found in the middle 
of absolute no where 
10 years later. 
Answers to questions 
you didn't even have 
paths that you never took 
leading to a place 
that you never saw 
a future that you never experienced 
a past that was never forgiven. 
A way with words 
that never was said 
things that were never mentioned 
secrets that hide 
people that discover 
one another 
but only put on a mask 
so their true visions 
were never shown. 
A feeling that was never known 
so we all sit 
in the unknown. 
The unknown path 
of yesterday’s future. 
questions without answers 
are only found in the pieces 
of the puzzles 
that once sat undisturbed 
never seen 
sat on the shelf 
never opened 
collecting dust 
never knowing 
what would have happened 
if the box was opened 
the questions answered 
and later found 
in the middle of no where 
on the lost path.