If you are suffering from the dreaded "L.A.A.D." (Lake Applet Addiction Disorder), and your site currently displays five or more Lake applets, you may have David Griffith and Bruce Jodoin to blame for it. David invented the applet and Bruce started the ring 'way back in November, 1998. It was originally started on the Yahoo!Webring server, but when Yahoo! decided to use the serverside navigation bar instead of the applet images... well, we had to find a new ring host. Fortunately, RingSurf was right there waiting for us, and most of the members followed Bruce to the new server rather than give up their Lake Applet Ring. And, if you are suffering from L.A.A.D., and your site currently displays five or more Lake applets, then you may be qualified to join "The Ring of Lake Applets." Please read the guidelines and follow the instructions below.
Soon after you submit your site, you will receive an email with your site ID
and password, and the HTML fragment to be placed on your page. Remember your
password and site ID. You will need them if you want to edit your site info.
You will also need to save the images to your computer (right click on the
images and choose "Save Picture As" or "Save Image As"). After you've saved them to your hard drive, remember to upload them to your website. They have to go in the same directory as the Lake.class file and the page that the ring code is on.
Because of the rapid growth of this Ring, these rules need to be enforced. To
be fair to all Ring members and Ring surfers, there will be no exceptions. You
have a maximum of 5 days to install the ring panel on your site, and you
email me to let me know your site is ready for review.
for your understanding.
Download the Images
RIGHT click on these images to save them to your hard drive. Save them in the
same directory with the lake.class file and the page that has the ring code on it. Then upload the .class file, the
images, and the page to your website. Point your browser to your website and be
sure the ring panel is working properly. Since it won't actually function until your site is added to the ring, the way to check is to hold your mouse over the link and examine the link text in the status bar. Be sure your ID number is in the link text, preceded by "id=" and followed by a semi-colon ( ; ). Then email me to let me know your site is ready for review... or that you need help.
If you have trouble getting the overlay to work, you can try this
code and image that doesn't have the overlay in it. You may want to bookmark
this page so you'll find it easy to get back to if you need it.
From here you can
the ring,
your site info, get your
, have the
HTML code
mailed to you, or
your very own ring! You may want to bookmark this page, too, because it has
all the things you'll need to maintain your ring profile.
Links to Lake Tutorials and Tips, all by members of the Ring:
Have a question about making Lake applets or a tip or special technique to
offer? Post it here on our very own Lake Applet Forum / message board.
Don't ask me how it works, but here are the Web Ring statistics for member sites. The RingSurf index lists 25 sites on each page. I will regularly sort the list randomly so all sites get "first" page exposure.
![]() This button used to link to David Griffiths, the creator of the Lake Applet. He's taken down his site now, and so the button links to a zip file you can download if you want to use the Lake applet on your pages. Established by Bruce Jodoin Nov 1998, relocated to RingSurf Sept 2000, adopted by Grandma June 2001 ![]() Introduction and Instructions | Alternate Ring Panel | Tips and Tutorials Ring Control Panel | Index of Sites | Ring Stats | The Lake Applet Forum Copyright © 2001 Reverend Grandma. All rights reserved. |