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CH001 Anthony of Padua 
CH002 Allen  Richard
CH003 Origen of Alexandria 
CH004 Augustine of Hippo in garden conversion scene
CH005 Salvation Army Mission Hall – East London original S.A. mission
CH006 Booth, Catherine co-founder of Sal.Army
CH007 Booth, Wm.& Catherine founders of Sal.Army
## (OHS) CH008 Brown, John, American abolitionist
CH009 Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch, Eastern Orthodox church
CH010 Bell, E.N. first general chairman Assemblies of God. 1920
CH011 Backus, Rev. Isaac
CH012 Brainerd, David missionary to Amer.Indians
CH013 Brainerd, David w/Indian
CH014 Brainerd on horseback
CH015 Beecher, Lyman
CH016 Bede, St.
CH017 Bradstreet, Anne American poet
CH018 Catherine of Sienna with supplicant
CH019 Cennick, John 18th c.
CH020 Circuit Rider monument
CH021 Cotton, Joseph, Puritan
CH022 Cooke, Sarah ministry w/Moody
CH023 Cromwell
CH024 Constantine colossal head
CH025 Calvin, John
CH026 Campbell, Disciples of Christ founder
CH027 Carey, Wm at BMS meeting
CH028 Carey, An Enquiry
CH029 Carey, India idol worship
CH030 Carey, India ritual bathing-Ganghis
CH031 Carey, India open-air preaching
CH032 Carey, Serampore College
CH033 Carey, Wm. Portrait
CH034 Missionaries, British Uganda,  late 1800s
CH035 Chrysostom, John 4th c. preaching
CH036 Missionary, Redemptorist w/Amer Indians
CH037 Baptism in Peru 15th c.
CH038 Las Casas protecting Aztecs
CH039 Columbus landing1492
CH040 Cortez and Marina receiving gifts
CH041 Sepulveda, 16th c historian of Spain
CH042 Alamo, fall of
CH043 Cortez, Hernando coin portrait
CH044 Columbus, portrait
CH045 Serra, Junipero
CH046 Pizarro, Francisco conquistador
CH047 Beltran, Luis 16th c. America’s 1st Saint
CH048 Claver, Pedro Jesuit abolitionist
CH049 Natives tearing out heart 15-16th c
CH050 Cranmer, Thomas w/friends-work on BCP
## (FSL) CH051 Cranmer, Book of Common Prayer cover page
CH052 Dodderidge, Philip Hymnwriter
CH053 Dickens, Charles portrait
(NA) CH054 Douglas, Frederick abolitionist
CH055 Dobson, James portrait
CH056 Decius, Roman Emperor coin portrait
(LOC) CH057 Davis, Jefferson Confederate president
CH058 Dryer, Emma ministry w/Moody
CH059 Edwards, Jonathan stone relief
CH060 Elliot, John missionary to Am.Indians
## (OCA) CH061 Finney, Charles portrait
(LOC) CH062 Franklin, Ben
## (BGEA) CH063 Graham, Billy & Ruth
## (BGEA) CH064 Graham, Billy preaching
CH065 Graham, Billy portrait
## (HL) CH066 Guttenberg, inventor of printing press
(LOC) CH067 Ghandi, Mahatma Indian pacifist
(LOC) CH068 Grant, Ulysses S.
CH069 Huntingdon, Lady
CH070 Henry VIII
CH071 Harris, Howell 
CH072 Hybels, Bill 
CH073 Knox, John preaching
CH074 “First Blast” by Knox 
CH075 Knox, John Portrait
CH076 King James VI
CH077 Joan of Arc at stake 
CH078 Jerome at desk
(LM) CH079 Lincoln, Abe
CH080 Lee, Jarena
CH081 Green, Steve
CH082 Melanchthon, PHilip
CH083 Latimer (martyr)
CH084 Luther cartoon
CH085 Luther’s pulpit
CH086 Luther translating team
CH087 Luther shows theses 
CH088 Luther burning Papal bull
CH089 Luther translating 2
CH090 Luther portrait-younger
CH091 Luther, works burned
CH092 Luther, communion debate
CH093 Karlstadt (Luther)
CH094 Luther standing
CH095 Luther at Worms 
CH096 Eck (Luther)
CH097 Luther nailing theses
CH098 Cranach (Luther)
CH099 Indulgence Sale 
CH100 Luther monastery 
CH101 Luther’s 95 Theses
CH102 Luther anti-pope cartoon
CH103 Luther schoolhouse
CH104 Von Staupitz *(Luther) 
CH105 Tetzel, Johann (Luther)
CH106 Luther playing mandolin 
CH107 Luther as Junker Jorge 
CH108 Wittenberg
CH109 Hymnsinger
CH110 Singing School 
CH111 Olney Hymns cover 
CH112 Inquisition torturewheel
CH113 Synogogue reading 
CH114 Rabbi praying 
(LOC) CH115 St.Catherine’s monastery scaling the wall
CH116 Livingstone, David
(LOC) CH117 Lee, General R. standing
(LOC) CH118 Pentecostal in barn
CH119 Woodworth-Etter, Marie 
CH120 Snake handlers 
CH121 Shakarian, Demos (FGBMF founder)
CH122 Crawford, Florence (Apostolic Faith Mission founder)
CH123 Azusa St. Sign
CH124 Pentecostal Gospel Car 
(LOC) CH125 Pentecostal woman preacher cartoon 
CH126 “Martyrs in Heaven” Ravenna Mosaic
(MHS) CH127 Mather, Increase 
CH128 Williams, Roger
CH129 Cotton, Mather 
CH130 Salvation Army Halleluya Lassies
CH131 Salvation Army women musicians
CH132 Burrows, Eva Salvation Army General
CH133 Catacomb 
CH134 Graffiti of crucifixion 
CH135 Slavery prayer meeting 
CH136 Slave hand in field 
CH137 Slave in collar
CH138 Slavery line walking 
CH139 Slavery fieldhands
CH140 Anti-slavery poster 
CH141 Slave shackled
CH142 Tree of Temperance
CH143 Moffat, Robert 
CH144 Muncer, Thomas
CH145 More, Hannah 
(INHP) CH146 Muehlenberg, George 
CH147 Marshman, John (Carey coworker)
CH148 McCormick, Cyrus(Moody helper)
CH149 Moody, Paul(son of Dwight)
(LOC) CH150 Newton, Isaac 
CH151 Owen, John 
(INHP) CH152 Paine, Thomas
CH153 Palmer, Phoebe
(LOC) CH154 Brendan, Saint sailing on huge fish
(LOC) CH155 Patrick, Saint 
CH156 Papyrus, Pauline epistle 
CH157 Paul in synagogue
CH158 Raikes, Robert (founder of S/S w/kids)
CH159 Rippon, John (hymnwriter)
CH160 Raikes, Robert portrait
CH161 Ridley (bible translator)
CH162 Spurgeon in pulpit 
CH163 Schweitzer,Albert (holding child)
CH164 Shakespeare, William 
CH165 Sankey, Ira
CH166 Smith, Frank 
CH167 Sunday, Billy portrait
CH168 Sunday, Billy preaching
CH169 Azusa St. leaders (pentecostals
CH170 Seymour, William, et al Azusa St. Leaders
CH171 Azusa St. building 
CH172 Spurgeon, Charles portrait
CH173 Spurgeon’s church Metropolitan Tabernacle
CH174 Spurgeon’s church Metropolitan Tabernacle-inside
CH175 Thomas, John (Carey coworker
CH176 Taylor, Ken  (Living Bible editor)
CH177 Torrey,R.A. (Moody coworker
CH178 Tyndale, Wm portrait
CH179 Taylor, Hudson portrait
(LOC) CH180 Victoria, Queen
CH181 Venn, Henry Clapham Sect member
CH182 Varley, Henry evangelist
CH183 Wesley, John portrait
CH184 Wesley, John portrait
CH185 Wesley, John & Charles
CH186 Gwynne, Sally C.Wesley’s wife
CH187 Wesley, John teaching 
CH188 Wesley, John preaching in Phila
CH189 Wesley, Charles
CH190 Whitefield, George preaching in field
CH191 Whitefield, orphan home Georgia
CH192 Whitefield assaulted
CH193 Whitefield profile 
CH194 Whitefield in death
CH195 Whitefield preaching
CH196 Whitefield, George in pulpit
CH197 Whitefield, pulpit 
CH198 Whitefield portrait 
CH199 Whitefield preaching
CH200 Whitefield preaching to soldiers
CH201 Wishart, George 
(INHP) CH202 Witherspoon, John (Amer Revolution
(LOC) CH203 Washington, George
CH204 Ward, William (Carey coworker)
CH205 Wilberforce, William 
CH206 Wilberforce, “Practical View” booklet
CH207 Slave ship schematic 
CH208 Anti-slavery medallion 
CH209 Zwingli, Ulrich 
CH210 Trent, Council of
CH211 Watts’ steam engine 
CH212 Athens, acropolis 
CH213 Buchenwald Camp 
CH214 Chicago Fire 
CH215 Constantinople 
CH216 Jewish children playing 
CH217 Rome, old drawing 
CH218 Communion token early American
CH219 Communion tokens, early American 
CH220 Camp meeting early American
CH221 Camp meeting layout early American
CH222 Preacher on horseback 
CH223 Circuit Rider-Harpers
(NA) CH224 Drummer boy Civil War
CH225 Pentecostalism Blacks in worship
CH226 Pentecostal revival
CH227 Lee, Jarena
CH228 Truth, Sojourner
CH229 Slave in market
CH230 Voodoo dance-blacks
CH231 Allen, Richard et al
CH232 Slave worship w/owner
CH233 Slave quarters
(NA) CH234 Slave torture
(LOC) CH235 Slave uprising
CH236 Nag Hammadi Codex
CH237 Nag Hammadi books 
CH238 Bible cover page-Tyndale
(LOC) CH239 Preaching at town mtg early American
CH240 “first prayer in Congress” 
(LOC) CH241 Quaker meeting 
CH242 Washington crosses Delaware 
(LOC) CH243 Declaration of Independence 
(LOC) CH244 Sons of Liberty 
CH245 Taylor, Hudson near death
CH246 Moon, Lottie 
CH247 China missionary Goforth, Jonathan
CH248 China missionary with accordion
CH249 Morrison, Robert China missionary
CH250 Nee, Watchman 
(LOC) CH251 Dunker church w/dead soldiers-Civil War
CH252 Christian Commission Civil War chaplains
CH253 Weld, Theodore abolitionist
CH254 Jones, John Wm  Civil War chaplain
CH255 Polk, Leonidas Civil War preacher/general
(LOC) CH256 Howard, Oliver Christian Civil War General
(LOC) CH257 Civil War gambling
(LOC) CH258 Lee, Robert E. portrait
(NA) CH259 Civil War chaplain 
CH260 Crusaders charging
CH261 “Ma” Sunday, Billy
CH262 Machen, Gresham
CH263 Riley, Wm. Fundamentalism
CH264 Jones, Bob Sr. 
CH266 Stewart,Lyman author of fundamentals
CH267 Stewart, Milton author of fundamentals
CH268 Norris, Frank fundamentalist preacher
CH269 Alexander, ? fundamentalist
CH270 Warfield, B.B.
CH271 Christ Rescue Mission 
CH272 Mathews, Shailer Humanist
CH273 Rescue mission 
CH274 Modernist vs. Fundamentalist cartoon
CH275 Torrey-Alexander Rally
(LOC) CH276 Flappers, 1920s 
(LOC) CH277 KuKluxKlan 
Ch278 Bryan,Wm.Jennings
CH279 Bartholomew I ecumenical patriarch
CH280 Icon, Russian Christ in Glory
CH281 Gideons founders 
CH282 Whole Book of Psalms title page
CH283 Wesley hymnbook cover
CH284 Jesus Lover of My Soul Songsheet_
CH285 Whitefield Hymnbook
CH286 Psalm hymnbook 1606
J001    Baptistry in Ephesus
J002 Double-church Ephesus Site of Council of Ephesus
J003 Ephesus-prostitute house 
J004 Patmos harbor
J005 Mosaic, Peter & emperor
J006 Mosaic,Paul 
J007 Roman Road, Corinth 
J008 Roman Road, Corinth 
J009 Corinth Store 
J010 Temple on Acropolis Athens
J011 Acropolis, Athens not the main one
J012 Corinth-store 
J013 Corinth, Basillica, 2nd century
J014 Kilns, Oxford, C. S. Lewis home


## May need  permission to reproduce

Original Sources requesting credit line:
BGEA:  Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
FSL: Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC 20003
HL:  Huntington Library, California
INHP: Independence National Historical Park
LM:  Lincoln Museum, Fort Wayne, IN
LOC: Library of Congress
MHS: Massachusetts Historical Society
NA:  National Archives
OCA:  Oberlin College Archives
OHS: Ohio Historical Society