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1.) Paint something cool

It can be a panel, a toilet seat, a bowling pin or whatever thing you think that some Hot Rod minded individual would like to display on his or her wall at home or wherever. The only parameters I would suggest is not to go so far out that your hard work would end up being stashed and not displayed. For example - if you paint a Ford Truck Hood, many would not have room for it on their wall.

2.) Finish it by September 1st. and be ready to mail it right away.
It would be very cool if you had a plan of action (a box, packing material, money for shipping) for mailing your item pretty quick-ish - within a week would be ideal.

3.)Email photos of your finished product by September 1st. to:

You don't have to even say you're in until 9/1/2008 - Any and all persons that say "I'm in" and submit a photos of a finished product by midnight on 9/1/2008 are in. Names will be drawn the next day in a fancy ceremony that you will be able to see right here. There will be a day for any willing participants to swap around if they want and that's that.