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Season Six Polls
Conducted at Maeve's JAGnik Central
During the Summer of 2001

Poll #1: What do you think about Mac and Mic's upcoming marriage?

Total : 205
This survey was expired on 6/ 8/2001

3.9%   Do not care at all! (8)
5.9% I like to see them getting married! (12)
90.2% I will hate it if they get married! (185)

Poll #2: From the admirable characters of the past seasons, whom do you think was trashed the most this season?

Total : 70
This survey was expired on 6/ 8/2001

18.6%   Admiral Boone (13)
28.6% Cmdr. (Teddy) Lindsay (20)
1.4% Secretary of the Navy (1)
41.4% Cmdr. Caitlin ["Kate"] Pike (29)
10.0% Congresswoman Bobbi Latham (7)

Poll #3: Sort the following guest characters in the order that you liked them best.

Total : 28
This survey was expired on 6/ 8/2001

67.9%   Sergei (Harm's half brother in the "Legacy" episodes.)
58.8% Capt. Volkonov (Russian captain who befriended Harm and appeared in "Legacy" and "Iron Coffin" episodes.)
50.5% Janet Vitaglianso (INS officer in "Florida Strait" episode.)
21.7% Juanita Ressler (Mac's former law professor in "JAG TV" episode.)
36.3% Petty Officer Elling (married an Arab princess in "The Princess and the Petty Officer" episode.)
33.8% Major Bartz (Corporal Antoon's CO in "Touch and Go" who was forcing the corporal to turn in the picture of her tattoo.)
35.4% Cmdr. Merrick (American captain in "Collision Course" the episode where the Greek and Turkish warships collided.)
46.2% Sergeant Major Krohn (accused of beating his wife to death in "Miracles" and "Salvation".)
48.4% Clark Palmer (Harm's number one enemy in "Salvation".)
40.1% Pvt. Rivera (the war hero accused of being a deserter that the Gunny traveled to Albuquerque to bring back to JAG from "Retreat, Hell" episode.)
11.0% Sgt. Steele (the female Marine hostage aboard a terrorist boat in "Valor".)
65.1% Major Asher (Osprey pilot in "To Walk on Wings" the episode where Congresswoman Bobbi tried to shut down the Osprey project.)
45.9% Lt. Cmdr. Coulter (a forensic pathologist in "Past Tense" episode.)

Poll #4: Which of the following lines by Bud did you like the best?

Total : 73
This survey was expired on 6/12/2001

6.8%   Bud: "I do not see a tattoo!" Corporal: "I am setting on it sir!" Bud: "Oh......Oooooohhhhhhh!" (5)
53.4% "Sir, about that MRI!" (39)
24.7% "I know that Harriet ... thinks I'm a bit of a doofus but she never says it out loud ..." (18)
5.5% "Honey, you're no Erin Brockovich." (4)
9.6% "Harriet can con anyone into doing anything!" (7)

Poll #5: The following statements were addressed to Harm. If you had to pick one that would describe your feelings toward this character, which one would you have picked?

Total : 78
This survey was expired on 6/13/2001

1.3%   You are still here! (Admiral) (1)
2.6% You are not a naïve stupid American, Commander Rabb! (Capt. Volkonov) (2)
0% If you believe everything Chechnya say you could not be a very good lawyer, sir. (Sergei) (0)
17.9% Well Commander, if I was not too old, too short, too married! Never mind. (INS officer Janet Vitaglianso) (14)
0% Holly cow, you faked it, you son of …! We land, you run, you better be fast. (Test pilot Wilson) (0)
6.4% You should work on your good loser skills. (Mac) (5)
0% Have you no shame. (Webb) (0)
2.6% I do not doubt your skills as a lawyer Rabb, I do not trust your judgment outside of the courtroom. (SecNev) (2)
0% No, he never says anything nice. (Kate) (0)
0% Commander was actually a model citizen. (Mac) (0)
2.6% You do not know what is going on! (Father O'Rourke) (2)
34.6% Harm, open up, that would be a miracle! (Mac) (27)
1.3% I wonder whom he prayed to for that. (Renee) (1)
20.5% Sir, have you considered an MRI? (Bud) (16)
1.3% He is an immovable object! (Renee) (1)
9.0% Harm gives everybody trouble. (Harriet) (7)

Poll #6: Which of the following scenes with Bud and Harriet grieving over baby Sarah's death did you like best?

Total : 27
This survey was expired on 6/21/2001

11.1%   Bud is researching the prolapsed cord problem. Harriet is putting baby AJ to bed, she asks Bud to say goodnight to baby AJ. Bud gets up and kisses him. Then Harriet comes back and tells Bud that she needs him here and not 1000 miles away. Bud puts down his research, hugs Harriet and tells her he loves her. (3)
7.4% Bud is asleep over his work. Harriet wakes him up and asks him to call in sick. Bud goes to shave his face. While shaving he assures Harriet he will find what went wrong. Harriet asks but that is not going to change anything, baby Sarah will not come back. (2)
33.3% It is close to holidays, everyone is happy and jolly. Bud and Harriet are at baby Sarah's graveside. (9)
33.3% After the court finds the doctor not guilty and everyone finds out that Harriet failed to notify her doctor of previous condition. Bud and Harriet are in bed apologizing to each other. Harriet because she was not totally up front with Bud about her past illness. Bud for pushing too hard to find more about what went wrong with baby Sarah. (9)
14.8% Bud and Harriet are putting baby Sarah's stuff away. Harriet gets very emotional. Bud comforts her and tells her to leave since he can take care of putting the stuff away by himself. (4)

Poll #7: Did any of the following Renee lines bothered you? Which one do you think is the worst?

Total : 95
This survey was expired on 6/14/2001

43.2%   Do you think some day a sailor would make me a mommy (asking Harriet)? (41)
7.4% Maybe you should ask Frank where he got the ring (after Harm's mom shows the new ring Frank has got her.) (7)
0% Did he ever stand you up (asking Kate)? (0)
1.1% Do you think it could happen again [two strangers becoming one couple]? (1)
3.2% [Mic: Mac is on the submarine in the Barren Sea] Harm is on the submarine in the Barren Sea! [Gunny: Two different submarines], but in the same sea! (3)
9.5% I suppose I should be counting my blessings, despite the blow to your head you still liked me well enough last night. (9)
24.2% Harm, tell her to get out of your dreams, so you can have me and I can have my miracle. (23)
11.6% None of these lines bothered me. (11)

Poll #8: Where do you think Mac looked the worst?

Total : 56
This survey was expired on 6/14/2001

7.1%   Taking the Cab to Chechnya without notifying anyone! (4)
12.5% In the brunch-party standing cold and not attempting to become friendly with anyone. (7)
33.9% Always assuming Mic is at JAG to take her out, and always reminding him that he is early for their date. Not once, not twice, at least three times that I can remember. (19)
7.1% Accusing the General of not putting everything in his report during Vietnam War while investigating Admiral Boone. (4)
28.6% Intimidating Bud that she will write him a bad fitness report after Bud gave her the document that could have proved her case. (16)
10.7% Being very cold and distant to Commander Lindsey. (6)

Poll #9: Where do you think Mac shined the best?

Total : 61
This survey was expired on 6/14/2001

34.4%   When she gave a TV interview about her case and used the same technique her old college professor used against her to her advantage ("JAG TV"). (21)
11.5% Justifying to the Islamic judges the princess's behavior ("The Princess and the Petty Officer"). (7)
14.8% Refusing to engage in gossip conservation with Kate against Renee, and asking the Admiral to assign prosecuting of the nominated IG Admiral to someone else since she had come across the information that a superior officer and Kate had an affair ("Touch and Go"). (9)
16.4% Talking Russian Skipper out of releasing the torpedo ("Iron Coffin"). (10)
3.3% Taking the Sergeant Joe's case (Joe the dog) with a sense of humor and finding a way to still keep him in the Marines ("Liberty"). (2)
19.7% Being very understanding of Harm's feeling and including him in Jordan's death investigation. Being very patient and trying to fix the situation every time Harm mess-up ("Past Tense"). (12)

Poll #10: Which of the following Harm investigations do you think was the smartest one?

Total : 54
This survey was expired on 6/14/2001

18.5%   Figuring out that there was not enough time to test all the airplanes during the specified time and thus the test has been not through ("Flight Risk"). (10)
27.8% Figuring out that the PO Palermo did not commit suicide just unknowing leaked an LSD coated stamp "JAG TV"). (15)
35.2% First given PO Duell confidence that he can beat him easily, and then aggravating him by asking Bud to act clumsy ("Killer Instinct"). (19)
18.5% Asking the "Ospery" pilot why they were flying at that hour of the day ("To walk on Wings"). (10)

Poll #11: Which of the following two court cases that Harm lost had the worst strategy?

Total : 53
This survey was expired on 6/14/2001

28.3%   Going with the miracle defense for Sergeant Major Krohn's case ("Miracle"). (15)
71.7% Using the "Like father like son" defense for Mickey's case ("Liberty"). (38)

Poll #12: Which episode do you think missed a bigger opportunity to have a shirtless Gunny?

Total : 50
This survey was expired on 6/18/2001

24.0%   "Retreat, Hell" (the one that he got shut!) (12)
76.0% "Liberty" (the one that he woke up in the middle of the night by Harm's phone call!) (38)

Poll #13: In the episode "Iron Coffin", when Mac is talking to the Russian Submariner's skipper, what is your understanding of this conversation?

Total : 40
This survey was expired on 6/17/2001

85.0%   Mac talked the skipper out of releasing the torpedo. (34)
15.0% Mac compromised National Security in the process. (6)

Poll #14: Twice Harm yelled at Mac. Which one did you find him to be more arrogant?

Total : 40
This survey was expired on 6/17/2001

75.0%   When he went to Mac's office and accused her that the only reason she wants to prosecute Admiral Boone is because of her dislike of the Admiral. (30)
25.0% When he lost it when Mac excused Jordan's boyfriend after Harm accused him of not having an alibi the night of Jordan's death. (10)

Poll #15: Which one of the following did you have a harder time believing?

Total : 46
This survey was expired on 6/25/2001

45.7%   Harm being sent to Russia to reform their military law. (21)
54.3% Harm meeting Fidel Castro. (25)

Poll #16: Do you think it was OK that Harm did not tell his mom about Sergei right after he got back from Russia?

Total : 41
This survey was expired on 6/17/2001

51.2%   YES (21)
48.8% NO (20)

Poll #17: Which of the following Mic's action did you dislike the most?

Total : 48
This survey was expired on 6/17/2001

10.4%   Walking away with his boss and leaving Mac who did not know anyone at the brunch party. (5)
6.2% Walking into the conference room a few seconds after Mac for the downing of an F-14's case without mentioning anything to Mac. (3)
37.5% Telling the People magazine's reporter that he would not talk to them about his fiancée while Mac had not accepted to be engaged to him yet. (18)
45.8% Not telling Mac that he had started his own firm and his first client was suing the Navy. (22)

Poll #18: Which one of Mac's treatments of Mic did you find to be the most distasteful?

Total : 25
This survey was expired on 6/25/2001

40.0%   Telling him he better have no more surprises or there will be no relationship. (10)
60.0% In front everyone at JAG walking to her office and closing the door after being very mad at Mic that he had told the People magazine's reporters they were engaged while they were not yet. (15)

Poll #19: Do you think Sgt. Steele was innocent or guilty?

Total : 33
This survey was expired on 6/17/2001

42.4%   She was innocent! Actually a very brave Marine who single handedly stopped the terrorists in both occasions (blowing up the ship and blowing up the bus full of school children). (14)
57.6% She was guilty. She got scared for her life and cooperated with the terrorists. Then she tried to show that she was brave, so she volunteered to trick the terrorist. But somehow things got out of hand and she got killed. (19)

Poll #20: Which one of the following statements from "Legecy II", implying there is more between Harm and Mac, did you dislike the most?

Total : 29
This survey was expired on 6/25/2001

37.9%   Sokol: Last time she was in Russia, she followed Harm through Siberia in a gypsy wagon. (11)
24.1% Alexei: You are prepared to die for Rabb! (7)
37.9% Admiral: Are you more worried that she's missing.....or that she's missing with him! (11)

Poll #21: After "Lifeline" Harm and Mac both confessed that they were out of line. Who do you think was more out of line?

Total : 50
This survey was expired on 6/25/2001

20.0%   Harm as a well wisher. (10)
80.0% Mac as the bride. (40)

Poll #22: Which interaction did you like the best?

Total : 23
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

60.9%   When Harriet confided in Harm that she has not been strong for Bud and baby AJ and Harm comforted her. (14)
8.7% When Bud confided in Harm that he has been distracted with personal problems and had let Mac down during Admiral Boone's trail. (2)
30.4% When Mac went to the Wall to find Harm and he confided in her that he was resigning his commission to go find his brother. (7)

Poll #23: Who did you like better at being drunk?

Total : 20
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

30.0%   Harriet (6)
10.0% Renee (2)
50.0% Bud (10)
10.0% Mic (2)

Poll #24: Who acted more unethical in "Flight Risk"?

Total : 51
This survey was expired on 6/19/2001

68.6%   Mic's firm for intentionally not turning in the report JAG people were looking for. (35)
31.4% Mic for handing the report to JAG people which in return jeopardized his client's case. (16)

Poll #25: Among the lawyers who opposed Harm and/or Mac this season which one do you think rock his and/or her boat the most? Please do not take into account the outcome of the case.

Total : 59
This survey was expired on 6/20/2001

35.6%   Juanita Ressler (against Mac in "JAG TV" the one with the woman beating her husband's girlfriend to death.) (21)
10.2% Mattoni and Singer (against Harm in "Touch and Go" the one with Kate.) (6)
0% Bud and Mattoni (against Harm in "The Princess and the Petty Officer".) (0)
6.8% Mic's boss (against Mac in "Family Secrets" the one with Harriet's doctor.) (4)
5.1% Admiral (against Harm and Mac in "Collision Course" the one with Greek and Turkish warships colliding.) (3)
5.1% Bud (against Harm in "Miracles" the one with Sergeant Major Krohn accused of beating his wife.) (3)
3.4% Mattoni (against Harm and Bud in "Killer Instinct" the one with PO killing unfit Navy personal who come in contact with him.) (2)
33.9% Lt. Ferrari (against Harm and Bud in "Liberty" the one with Mickey accused of killing Mexican man.) (20)

Poll #26: Order the following misinterpretations from "Touch and Go" from the most reasonable to the least reasonable (as in order them from one you think was valid to the one you think was groundless)!

Total : 6 (120 pts.)
This survey was expired on 6/22/2001

50.8%   The nominated IG Admiral thinking Kate was flirting with him. (61 pts.)
73.3% Kate thinking the nominated IG Admiral harassed her. (88 pts.)
57.5% The Corporal thinking her CO wants to humiliate her by wanting the picture of her tattoo. (69 pts.)
80.8% The Corporal's CO thinking that she wants to be treated differently because she is a woman. (97 pts.)
36.7% Bud thinking Harriet was concerned that the Corporal is his client. (44 pts.)
43.3% Harriet thinking Bud was attracted to the Corporal and was not comfortable to admit it. (52 pts.)
55.0% The Corporal thinking that the Senator will vote on her favor because she is also woman. (66 pts.)
30.8% Kate thinking when Mac said Renee was different she really meant Renee was obnoxious. (37 pts.)
68.3% Kate thinking Harm was questioning her eligibility of becoming a full commander! (82 pts.)
49.2% Kate thinking Mac told Mattoni and Singer what she had told her. (59 pts.)
57.5% Kate thinking there was something going on between Mac and Harm. (69 pts.)
30.0% Kate thinking Mattoni and Singer had something personal against her. (36 pts.)
59.2% Kate thinking Mac was irritated with her after their conversation in the ladies-room. (71 pts.)
27.5% Mattoni thinking Mac was Kate's best friend after just having a cup of coffee. (33 pts.)
43.3% The nominated IG Admiral thinking by giving Kate early promotion she will forgive any misunderstanding. (52 pts.)
58.3% Harm thinking Singer eavesdropped on his conversation with Kate and leaked the info out to the press. (70 pts.)
43.3% Harm thinking Mac would have not mentioned that she was engaged any time soon, if Harriet had not seen that the ring was missing from her right hand. (52 pts.)
34.2% Harm thinking the reason RAN's ship sink is because drinking is allowed in their Navy (I know this was a joke, but sorry I could not resist!) (41 pts.)
35.0% Renee thinking Harm only stands her up and uses this excuse only with her. (42 pts.)
36.7% Mic thinking that maybe he has pushed Mac too much into their relationship. (44 pts.)

Poll #27: Which one of the following JAG stereotyping do you think was the most extreme?

Total : 45
This survey was expired on 6/24/2001

11.1%   "Legacy": Russian military -> corruption. (5)
20.0% "Florida Straits": Cubans -> risking everything to escape to United States. (9)
11.1% "The Princess and the Petty Officer": Arabs -> arranged marriage. (5)
2.2% "A Separate Peace": Vietnamese -> Vietcong. (1)
2.2% "Collision Course": Turkish and Greek (foreign countries') Navy -> blaming US Navy. (1)
26.7% "Iron Coffin": Russian military -> ignorance vs. US military -> awareness. (12)
8.9% "Valor": Arabs -> terrorists. (4)
17.8% "Liberty": Mexican -> fooling tourists in order to profit from them. (8)

Poll #28: From the not so serious cases of JAG which one did you find the funniest?

Total : 60
This survey was expired on 6/25/2001

8.3%   Bud with the Survivor contestant in "Legacy". In one scene the Admiral jokes with Gunny and Tiner that they should through the out of control contestant overboard. In another scene, in court, she is informed that she will win one million-dollar if she marries within a few hours, she turns to Bud and asks if he is single. (5)
8.3% Tiner and Gunny with the case of parking tickets in "Baby, It's Cold Outside". The scene when they come out of the court, Tiner is very proud of being able to void all the tickets on the technicality, finds himself with a violation parking ticket. (5)
15.0% Mac with the polygamist case in "Killer Instinct". The scene when Tiner comes in and informs Mac and Sergeant Hart that Mrs. Hart is here. Mac asks which one, Tiner answers neither and walks to the side to let the third Mrs. Hart enter the room. Or the scene that the Sergeant tries to charm Mac by mentioning the famous ancient Indian-American myth. (9)
41.7% Harm with falsely arrested civilian in "Retreat, Hell". The scene that Harm reads Mic's new law firm's phone number, 1-800-sue-navy. (25)
18.3% Mac with Sergeant Joe's case in "Liberty". The scene when Mac meets the Sergeant, or when she meets Sergeant's love interest. Or in court when they discuss Joe's future and Mac suggests sending Joe to the boot camp. (11)
1.7% Harriet with the Chief who stole $3,000 in "To Walk on Wings". In the scene that Bud tells her she is not Erin Brockovich. (1)
6.7% The Admiral with Danny Walden's case in "Past Tense". The scene in court when he suggest that Danny joins the Navy. The inside joke was that whoever masses with the Admiral's car is going to join the Navy by his power of persuasion. (4)

Poll #29: Apparently while at Harm's Renee always ends up answering the door. Did it make scene for her to answer the door in all three occasions? If not, which one did not make scene?

Total : 48
This survey was expired on 6/26/2001

0%  In "Family Secret", they are in the kitchen and while Harm is complaining about the administrative duty the Admiral has assigned him he prepares dinner. Renee is sitting across from kitchen and is drinking wine. There is a knock at the door. Renee offers to open the door. It is Webb. (0)
62.5% In "Miracles", they are on the couch reading the Sunday paper. Harm is sitting while Renee is laying down with her legs on Harm's lap. Harm is in T-shirt and jeans. Renee is in her pajamas. There is a knock at the door. Renee automatically gets up. It is Father O'Rourke. (30)
14.6% In "Iron Coffin", Harm is in the kitchen side, Renee is in the leaving room side. I think they were talking about women serving on the sub. Renee is against it and Harm is trying to charm her. Then they kiss. There is a knock at the door. Still kissing Renee protests to not answer the door, I think. Harm still kissing mumbles that they should, I think. They break apart, Harm asks Renee to get the door! It is Capt. Volkonov. (7)
22.9% From where they were located in the apartment it made scene for Renee to answer the door in all three occasions. (11)

Poll #30: Who was more at fault at the brunch party scene ("Florida Strait")?

Total : 47
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

74.5% Mic for walking away with his boss, leaving Mac alone. (35)
14.9% Mac for just standing in the middle, cold and unfriendly, and did not try to show that she is interested in meeting others. (7)
10.6% Others at the party, who knowing well Mac was new and did not know anyone there, did not try to make her feel welcome. (5)

Poll #31: Which one of Lt. (j.g.) Kingsley's actions were more foolish ("JAG TV")?

Total : 30
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

20.0%   Having an affair. (6)
80.0% Taking his wife to meet his girlfriend. (24)

Poll #32: Who was more at fault in putting baby Sarah's life in jeopardy ("Family Secret")?

Total : 39
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

38.5%   Harriet for not disclosing to her doctor her previous medical conditions that caused her to have a miscarriage. (15)
61.5% The doctor for assuming that Harriet's labor was progressing as expected, so he could step out of the hospital for half an hour or so. (24)

Poll #33: Who was more insulting in the double date scene ("Miracles")?

Total : 40
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

20.0%   Harm for wanting to go down memory lane with Mac and in the process could have provoked Mic when he said, "fifteen days under the sea, in close quarters". (8)
80.0% Mic for cutting Harm off when he was trying to say what Mac could need from Saint Wiggins. (32)

Poll #34: Who needs more professional help in polygamist case ("Killer Instinct")?

Total : 30
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

33.3%   Sergeant Hart, for believing since he can love so many women it is OK to marry all of them. (10)
66.7% Mrs. Harts, for loving Mr. Hart and wanting to be his wife, even though he was not fateful to them. (20)

Poll #35: Who failed Sgt. Steele more ("Valor")?

Total : 25
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

20.0%   Terrorists for kidnapping her and forcing her to help them by disclosing Military information to them. (5)
80.0% Military for allowing her to become informant for them but failed to watch her back closely. (20)

Poll #36: Who was more at fault in the Osprey accident ("To Walk on Wings")?

Total : 31
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

54.8%   Congresswoman Latham for not showing up on time for the flight. (17)
45.2% Marine Pilot and his superiors for not seriously considering that there could be complications now that they are behind schedule. (14)

Poll #37: Who was more at fault in Jordan's death ("Past Tense")?

Total : 39
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

56.4%   Jordan for getting the gun even though she knew that Mrs. Maples is very sick and can be completely of touch with reality to the point that maybe she would not be intimidated by a gun. (22)
43.6% Master Sgt. Maples for knowing well how sick and at times dangerous his wife could be, did not take her condition seriously to have someone watch her at all times. (17)

Poll #38: Who was more unreasonable when it came to attending the rehearsal dinner ("Adrift")?

Total : 44
This survey was expired on 6/27/2001

31.8%   Mac for wanting Harm, her best friend, there and assumed that he would be. (14)
68.2% Harm for wanting to complete his quals but failed to mention to Mac, when he was invited, that he would not be able to attend. (30)

Poll #39: What do you think of Sergei?

Total : 54
This survey was expired on 6/28/2001

68.5%   He is Harm's half brother. (37)
31.5% He is an imposter that will be exposed at some point. (17)

Poll #40: What do you think of Harm's contemplation of leaving the Navy to find his brother?

Total : 46
This survey was expired on 6/28/2001

69.6%   A foolish and reckless act. (32)
30.4% An affectionate and admirable act. (14)

Poll #41: When Harm and Mac told each other "you have someone who always love you", who do you think they were referring to?

Total : 69
This survey was expired on 6/28/2001

87.0%   They were referring to themselves. (60)
1.4% Harm was referring to Mic, but Mac was referring to herself. (1)
4.3% Harm was referring to himself, but Mac was referring to Renee. (3)
7.2% They were referring to each other's significant other. (5)

Poll #42: At the elevator door when Harm said, "If you want me there to make it work, maybe you should reconsider who you are marring." What exactly was he saying?

Total : 67
This survey was expired on 6/28/2001

23.9%   Harm was in his competition mode again and just made the above statement to specify that maybe Mac should admit that Mic can not cut it as a groom but obviously he can. However he was not necessarily stating that he had any intention of being Mac's groom. (16)
76.1% Harm was to some extent frustrated that after he told Mac how he felt about her, he still was not able to change her mind and Mac was going to marry Mic as she had planned to. Actually what was in Harm's mind just came out in that scene, that he wants Mac now and was asking Mac to want him too! (51)

Poll #43: Order the following personal arc stories from the one you liked the best to the one you liked the least. (Suggested by Suze)

Total : 13 (78 pts.)
This survey was expired on 6/30/2001

55.1%   Admiral's relationship with Dr. Sydney, Danny borrowing admiral's car, his drug problem. (43 pts.)
75.6% Harm meeting Sergei and telling his mom about him. (59 pts.)
42.3% Harm and Renee's relationship, he committing to her (e.g. want her in his life). (33 pts.)
71.8% Jordan's death and its effects on Harm. (56 pts.)
42.3% Mac and Mic's relationship, planning their wedding. (33 pts.)
62.8% Bud and Harriet losing baby Sarah, suing the doctor, Harriet's secret. (49 pts.)

Poll #44: Can you estimate how many times have you seen "Lifeline"?

Total : 45
This survey was expired on 7/ 2/2001

33.3%   Yes, what is a big deal? I have seen it once (for people who do not tape). A few times, can be counted using one hand or maybe two (for people who tape). (15)
66.7% No, not really. I have lost count somewhere after the number of times became a two-digit number. (30)

Poll #45: Who was more at fault in the first perceived as suicide case ("JAG TV")?

Total : 42
This survey was expired on 7/ 2/2001

7.1%   PO Palermo who without his roommate's permission borrowed a stamp from him. (3)
92.9% PO Palermo's roommate who kept LSD coated stamps in his locker. (39)

Poll #46: From the two Admirals, Admiral Boone and Admiral Hollenbeck, who were nominated for a position and lost that appointment because of a court-martial and a hearing respectively, which one do you think was treated unfairly the most?

Total : 30
This survey was expired on 7/ 2/2001

50.0%   Admiral Boone ("A Separate Peace") (15)
30.0% Admiral Hollenbeck ("Touch and Go") (9)
13.3% Neither (4)
6.7% Both (2)

Poll #47: Do you think it was Lt. Singer who leaked the info out to press about Kate?

Total : 55
This survey was expired on 7/ 2/2001

87.3%   YES (48)
12.7% NO (7)

Poll #48: Did your impression of Harm change after "Touch and Go", where it was reveled that he had a one weekend affair with Kate (one weekend being the operative word here)?

Total : 46
This survey was expired on 7/ 2/2001

26.1%   YES (12)
73.9% NO (34)

Poll #49: Which of the following family members did you like the best?

Total : 51
This survey was expired on 7/ 2/2001

19.6%   Sergei, Harm's half brother (10)
47.1% Trish, Harm's mom (24)
5.9% Mickey, Bud's brother (3)
3.9% Big Bud, Bud's father (2)
2.0% Valerie, Gunny's younger sister (1)
21.6% Maria, Gunny's older sister (11)

Poll #50: Which one of the following scenes did you find to look staged (felt unreal) the most?

Total : 50
This survey was expired on 7/ 2/2001

28.0%   When Harm shared his parents picture with Renee. Getting an old and precious picture from an inside of a book, and then telling Renee he wants to be happy just like them, just did not work for me. (14)
8.0% Palmer in the hospital, his room, his waking up from the coma, they all came across as too false to me. (4)
4.0% Harm and Mac's hands touching at the end of "Lifeline". I still can not get over the fact that with their heights their hands can not touch like that. (2)
2.0% All of the scenes that Harm stared at Mac (e.g. after he talked to Kate, or in the double date scene.) (Suggested by Katie) (1)
4.0% The scene between Harm and Singer in "Lifeline". It was like they were reading their lines straight from the script, yuck! (Suggested by Anna) (2)
8.0% Most of "Lifeline". Their hands touching the purse felt staged, their kiss felt staged, and the near hand-holding at the end felt staged. (Suggested by Livia) (4)
6.0% Mic lighting the match at the end of "Florida Straits", staged and phony. (Suggested by meme) (3)
8.0% Did not like the scenes in "Lifeline" where Bud kept getting all messed up. The spilled wine and Mattoni's meatballs were way too fake. (Suggested by Suze) (4)
32.0% Mac and Mic's relationship, it seemed so staged to me. She never reacted as if happy and in love at engagement announcement or anytime talking about it! (Suggested by Mag) (16)

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