Gayle Gorman
BA Cinema - Binghamton University, New York
MA Studio Art - University of Minnesota, Duluth
MFA Photography - University at Buffalo, New York
PhD (ABD) present - University of Alberta, Visual Art and Media Education (Film Studies, Psychoanalysis, Critical Theory)
- Possible Impossibilities: "Grizzly Man" and Becoming-Real in "Medien Journal's" (Austria), issue on Research in Media Culture, 2009.
-"Alien Resurrection" and Becoming-Cyborg: '1 is Too Few' in "Spaces: E-Journal of Arts & Humanities", Issue 2, 2008.
Star Trek Voyager's "Death Wish" They Don't Dare Feel Sad, If Only They Would, That Would Be Progress (under pseudonym Karen Elliot), and Editorial on "Progress" in "fifty3 Magazine, A Journal for Visual Culture",vol8 Issue1, 2007.
- Crowds/Coversations/Confession in "fifty3 Magazine, A Journal for Visual Culture", vol7 Issue2, 2007.
- Precinct in "The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education", Summer 2006.
- Control and Precision; Chris Borkowski’s Sound Art in "Artvoice" weekly alternative newspaper, Buffalo NY, 2002.
Conference Presentations:
- Affect and Spectres: Televsion's "Supernatural" and Difficult Learning. Multimedia presentation at upcoming National Art Education Association conference, Baltimore, 2010.
- Television's "Touching Evil": The In-Between of Cinema and Spectral Subjectivity.
Multimedia presentation at the International Gothic Association conference, Lancaster University, UK, 2009.
- Laylah Ali and Shary Boyle's Disturbing Images for the Youth of Today.
Multimedia presentation at the Canadian Art Educator's Association conference, Concordia University Montreal, 2008.
- The In-Between of Cinema and Spectral Subjectivity in Television's "Touching Evil".
Multimedia at the Association for Psychoanalysis in Society and Culture conference, Rutger's University, 2008.
- "Alien Resurrection" and Becoming-Cyborg: '1 is Too Few'.
Multimedia presentation at the National Art Education Association conference, New Orleans, 2008.
- Possible Impossibilities: "Grizzly Man" and Becoming-Real.
.Paper and multimedia presentation at the Association for Psychoanalysis in Society and Culture conference, Rutger's University, 2007.
- The Real of Sexual Difference, The Law of The Image, and the Saga of The-Construct-Britney Spears.
Multimedia presentation at the Curriculum & Pedagogy Conference, Balcones Springs, Texas, 2007.
- Looking at Freud’s Uncanny and Seeing the Feminine: A New Reading of Das Unheimlich Via the Visual With the Help of Artist Shary Boyle. Paper presented at the Association for Psychoanalysis in Society and Culture conference, Rutger's University, 2006 & the Curriculum and Pedadgogy Institute, University of Alberta, 2006.
- Photography and Death, Cinema and the Eternal Return: The X-Files’ ‘Tithonus'. Multimedia presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association Conference, Baltimore, 2006. web version
- Damage and Desire: Images From the Uncanny Space Between Childhood and Adulthood In the Work of Artists Laylah Ali and Shary Boyle (abstract). Multimedia presentation at the Threat-n-Youth: Cultural Studies, Columbia University NY, 2006.
- Art as Critical Inquiry: Precinct.
Multimedia presentation at the Curriculum and Pedagogy Institute Presentation, University of Alberta, 2005.
University of Alberta Dissertation Fellowship, 2009 2010
Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize, 2009
Walter H. Johns Graduate Fellowship Award, 2007 2009
Social Sciences & Humanities Council of Canada Doctoral Award (SSHRC), 2007 2009
Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Doctoral Scholarship, 2007 2009
University of Alberta PhD Scholarship, 2005 2007
CEPA Gallery Juror's Honorable Mention, 2003
Squeaky Wheel Digital Media Artist Residency, 2001
Howard B. Lyons Graduate Scholarship, University of Minnesota - Duluth, 1995 1997
Outstanding Graduate Body of Work, University of Minnesota - Duluth, 1995 1997
Harpur College Grant, Binghamton University, 1988
Alberta Gallery of Art, Edmonton, 2010 - Invited Instructor for "Teach the Teachers" program.
University of Alberta Department of Secondary Education, Edmonton AB, 2008
- Instructor of Intermediate Placement Tutorial for Art Education minors.
International Baccalaureate Organization, 2007
- External Examiner for the Visual Arts High Level Program.
University of Alberta Department of Secondary Education, Edmonton AB, 2007
- Co-Instructor of Advanced Placement Tutorial course for Art Education Majors.
University at Buffalo Art Dept, Buffalo NY, 1998 2005
- Adjunct Lecturer: Introduction to Photography, Introduction to Computer Art, Digital Image Synthesis.
CEPA Gallery, Buffalo NY 2004 2005
- Advanced Darkroom Techniques Workshop
- Basic Photography
- Adobe Photoshop
- Belle Community Center Photography for Teens
Fredonia High School, Fredonia NY, 2002 2004
- Drawing, 2D & 3D Studio, Advanced Portfolio, Photography, Computer Art, Media Communications.
Lackawanna High School, Lackawanna NY, 2000 2002
- Media Studies, Studio Art
University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana, 1997 1998
- Lecturer: Beginning Photography.
University of Minnesota, Duluth MN, 1994 1997
- Lecturer: Beginning Photography, 2D Design Foundations, Introduction to Art.
Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth MN, 1997
- Educational Program Assistant.
Soundlab, Big Orbit Gallery- various film loops and video collages, Buffalo NY, 2002-05
Artists & Models XX - video projection, Hallwalls, Buffalo NY 2003
Hallwalls - w/Shary Boyle, Suzanne Proulx , Buffalo NY, November 2002
CEPA Gallery - public art installation, Heart, Buffalo NY, September 2002
Squeaky Wheel Artist Residency Screening- digital video Lament, Buffalo NY, 2001
Murder the Word II, III, IV- film loops, video projections, Buffalo NY, 1999, 2000, 2001
Convergence- digital group,Carnegie Art Center, N Tonawanda NY, 2000
The Cutting Edge- group,Tweed Museum, Duluth MN, 1996
Tweed Museum Faculty Biennial- Duluth MN, 1995
A Foot In The Door- group, Joy Kops Gallery, Duluth MN ,1995
Solo - Pravda Gallery, Duluth MN, 1994
The State of Things- Curator, Alliance Gallery, Miami Beach FL, 1992
Other Employment:
Reviews-In-Brief Editor, Editorial Committee Member, Edmonton AB, 2006 2007
- fifty3 Magazine, A Journal of Visual Culture.
Video Editor/Audio Producer/Editor
- Watching Me Watching You, by Patty Wallace, 2001
- Just Another Market Mop Up, by Andrew Johnson, 2000
University at Buffalo, Publications Dept, Buffalo NY, 1998 1999
- Photo Editor/Archivist, Software Designer for digital photo database.
University of Illinois Champagne/Urbana
- Classics Department Image Archivist,
- Art & Design Slide Library Archivist, Photographer.
Camp Nebagamon, Wisconsin, 1997
- Promotional Photographer and Program Leader.
University of Minnesota, Duluth, 1994 1997
- Split Rock Arts Program Assistant.
SharpShooters Stock Photography , Miami FL, 1991 1993
- Photo Editor, Software Designer for digital photo database.
Comstock Stock Photography, New York NY, 1989 1991
- Photo Researcher/Editor.
Event Photographer
- Refuse & Resist, Miami FL, 1991 1994
- Miami News & Views, Miami FL 1991 1994