The Echo Verse

The Echo Verse is a type of poetry in which a word or two at the end of a line appears as an echo constituting the entire following line. The echo, either the same word or syllable or a homophone, often changes the meaning in a flippant, cynical or punning response. See the example below.

Stanzas : Typically one, but may vary.
Stanza Type : Varies
Accents : Varies
Syllables : Unlimited
Lines : Unlimited
Rhyme : None, but repetition
Pattern : Any

example : Johnathan Swift, A Gentle Echo On Woman

Shepherd. What most moves women when we them address?
Echo. A dress.
Shepherd. Say, what can keep her chaste whom I adore?
Echo. A door.
Shepherd. If music softens rocks, love tunes my lyre.
Echo. Liar.
Shepherd. Then teach me, Echo, how shall I come by her?
Echo. Buy her.