Concrete Poetry

Concrete Poetry is an English Type that focusses on the visual elements of poetic form rather than the lyrical. Concrete Poetry is also known as Pattern Poetry, and is demonstrated explicitly by it's shape.

Stanzas : Varies
Stanza Type : Varies
Lines : Varies
Rhyme : May or may not
Accents : Varies
Syllables : Varies
Pattern :

Some typical patterns of Concrete Poetry:

lozenge :

triquetra :
/ \

triquetra reversed:
\ /

quadrangle :

sphere :

lozenge rabbeted :

triqueta displayed :
\ /
\ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
/ \

pilaster :
| |
| |
| |
| |

There are an ifinite number of different ways you can pattern your Concrete Poem, these are just a few. Try making up your own kind and naming it. You might get famous for it someday!