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Janet Fish - Visions of Reflection

Janet Fish, much like Georgia O'Keefe, knew from a young age that she wanted to be an artist.  She was born in 1938 to a family of artists, and continued her schooling at Yale.  After taking many sculpture classes, Janet found her calling through painting.  She then began to paint realistically and graduated in 1963.  

Wine and Cheese Glasses, 1975. Indiana Univ.

Janet Fish then began her search for her own unique style.  She  began to paint glass bottles and and vases.  Janet found that she was talented in dissecting the way in which the light broke up the forms.  Soon she was painting every glass object she could find.

Glass and Shells, 1990. Private Collection

Janet Fish's artwork is unique in the sense that there is no central or focal point.  Her paintings draw the viewers' eyes through the painting, never resting on a single element. Her earliest paintings were mainly in black and white (Wine and Cheese Glasses, 1975), while her later paintings literally exploded with color.

Cut Peach, Blue Vase, 1993. Moore Gallery, NY










I believe Janet Fish to be one of the greatest women artists still living today.  Her work is remarkable, and the way that she is able to see these objects and paint them with such striking resemblance amazes me.