<XMP><BODY></xmp> Future Trooper

        The following is a literary sketch of a "future trooper" to illustrate how many of the ideas on the Scrapboard are intended to work together.

        First thing we notice about our serviceman is his helmet. He hasn't yet fitted his camouflage cover, so the shape is quite clear. He wears the latest model with cheek defences, known to the troops as "The Greek." Some of his comrades still wear the older "Fritz" PAGST, but with Bevors to protect their faces. Both kinds of helmet can be fitted with bullet and laser resistant clear visors.
        His torso is protected by a modern version of roman armour, but we cannot see this easily since over this he wears a roomy and comfortable Camouflage smock.
        Over this he wears a STABO harness and Utility pouches in Disruptive Webbing Pattern. As well as ammunition, grenades, waterbottles and shell dressings a couple of these pouches also contain Mini-Claymore Mines and ManDets. He also carries a mobile-phone like communicator
        Our Soldier wears BDU trousers, usually either of "Field and forest tigerstripe" or extra baggy "Desert pattern." If he is part of an Urban infantry unit he'll probably be wearing trousers of a MOUT pattern of greys and browns.
        He is armed with an assault rifle, shotgun or machine gun. The sites concerned with such weapons on the Scrapboard are too numerous to refer to here, though it is likely that his weapon has a folding spike bayonet, Gunshield and possibly a Blast suppressor.
        He also carries a pair of universal launcher tubes.
        What grenades he carries will depend on his main armament. If he carries an M203, Revolver Grenade Launcher or Three shot grenade launcher he will carry Pop-top 40mm grenades. If equipped with another weapon he will carry either Rifle-hand grenades or Disposable Grenade Launchers. Both types can be either fired or hand thrown.
        Also on his belt he wears a field utility knife and an entrenching tool. If he is in an infantry unit this will probably be a Combat shovel or Digging Axe. If from another unit such as CSS he may be carrying a folding E-tool instead.
         At the back of his belt is a butt pack and the contents include his Poncho, Basha-sheet, lightweight sleeping bag and some rations.
        On his back is his Log-pack. Apart from a small bag of personal items such as clothing this contains consumable items such as food, water, ammo, cordage, length of Megacord and an EVAC sheet.

By the Author of the Scrapboard :

Attack, Avoid, Survive: Essential Principles of Self Defence

Available in Handy A5 and US Trade Formats.

Crash Combat Fourth Edition
Epub edition Fourth Edition.
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