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4 Aug 2004
Another remake, this time it's mostly a visual one, not functional. Black doesn't feel right anymore, I wanted a blueish shade and found a wonderful one in Pixelate #10. But I've chosen #003366 for background, from a Machinae Supremacy winamp skin, and have modified the link pics to a bluescale. I'm also using css now so I can change the appearance more easily by modifying only one file. I've also made the title pics clickable to get back to main, but I recommend using the back function in your browser.

17 Mars 2004
Remade the site again. Couldn't live with the way the old layout sucked. I've made lots of changes to both layout and content, and much info was severely outdated. I've also stopped using hotmetal, and I'm now fully satisfied with Editplus. I just need to look up a HTML manual...
I've added Johan Halméns mapgen to the projects page since I have made severe improvements to it.

23 December 2003
Time for a christmas release of Devospace.

27 October 2003
I'm still using Hotmetal to edit this site. I'm getting comfortable with it.
Tested ENet a while ago, a networking lib. It seemed promising and had a quite good philosophy. But it didn't suit me :(
I've uploaded a new alpha release of Devospace in honor of the Halloween hack compo held by Spellcaster. Enjoy, or else.
I've uploaded Aoni, swedish only :(

28 July 2003 Added Devospace to the projects, an alpha demo release.
I forgot to add the datafile to the non-programmers download, fixed now.

26 Mars 2003
Added Aoni Commando to the projects.
Added an editor design for Mifonoid.

19 Mars 2003
Restructured the files section.

14 Mars 2003
Changed the language section a little. Restructured some tables.
Added a projects section.
Cleaned up in the links.

18 febr 2003
Updated Miffonoid - Therd.

13 febr 2003
Added the remake of Miffonoid.

15 dec 2002
Added funnies 3d. Worms having fun in 3d.

8 dec 2002
Updated Miffonoid to 12082002. Droids added :).

24 nov 2002
Updated Miffonoid to 11242002. I've added some stuff you can't be without.

17 nov 2002
Added my biggest project so far, the first game I've ever completed. I present to you the magnificant game Miffonoid. In the files section.

20 okt 2002
Bemanto update, many new words, and some new grammatics.

4 aug 2002
Added a funny thing(files), good for screensaver.

29 apr 2002
Added a terrain destruction program(files). s shoots, space jumps and arrows move.

23 apr 2002
Added an IPX resource for QBasic in the files section.
And a dcr in the Bemanto section for direct word lookup.

19 apr 2002
Added a DCR, curses, check it out.

3 apr 2002
Updated my language, again. Now has 114 words. And a bit more grammar.

25 feb 2002
Updated my language.

21 feb 2002
Added a section called Bemanto for a language with the same name.

7 feb 2002
Added two games in the dcrs section, a fishy game and a medieval game, check 'em out.

18 Jan 2002
Yippie. My first update this year. And it's not a small one.
I have added a new section called DCRs. It doesn't have an image link though, but it works. This creation is due to the fact that I have started working with Director and wanted a place to make my work available to people. If you want the source, mail me about it and I'll update the site with download possibilities(damn word), as soon as possible.

19 dec 2001
Added a rocket game, and a short movie about Pit. And a rally game(online)(down left).

18 dec 2001
As for the site, I have moved the main link to the bottom.
There has been a major reform in my programming environment because I've changed to mingw.
This means that I am trying to get used to this new environment and it's gonna take some time before I sink my teeth into any fat projects.

11 dec 2001
Added an alfa for my IPX chat v2.

7 dec 2001
Updated me IPX Chat program to v1.3.

6 dec 2001
Added an IPX Chat program.

20 okt 2001
Added a link. Reorganized the files section. Updated the 3d polygon editor from 1.1 to 1.3.

19 aug 2001
Updated my editor from 1.0 to 1.1

17 aug 2001 (later)
Added my newly created 3d polygon editor.

17 aug 2001
It's been more than five months since my last update. And I'm still on angelfire. I like this host and hope to stay here longer. This update gives you acces to a deathmatch Doomwad and an mp3 I made about 5 months ago, I just rediscovered it a few days ago. I have also added some links, check them out.

15 mar 2001
My old host wanted cash for the space and I didn't think it was worth paying for. Now I have a new host. It'll be fun to se how long this one lasts.

28 feb 2001
More cosmetic changes. The picture that works as a link to the active page from the others now is shown in inverted colors. I have also added a links page. So far there is five links on it.

26 feb 2001
Added a mail link/picture, you have to look closely to see its made of 1's and 0's.

25 feb 2001
I have created a look for this site which makes it alot nicer to look at. If there are any link errors please mail me.

20 feb 2001
Added a zip with the compiled demo of nibbles.

18 feb 2001
Latest add to files section is a nibble class for anyone who has an interest of developing a nibble style game. The nibble file only contain source code which means you must have DJGPP and Allegro to compile it. I have started working on an editor for multilayer maps.