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You should be aware that this page is a temporary crapped up page, and it might be this way for a long time.

As stated in my profile on the main section, I like to make languages. On this section I offer you the work I've done so far.

So far, they are only translated to Swedish. I'll translate them to english on request.

I started wtih Bemanto, but after a while I felt it didn't come out as I wanted it to. So I made a new language from scratch. At first it had no name, but by accident I had created a name for it, Aoni. The name means living, and that's what I want Aoni to be. I'm importing words from the old Bemanto archive, but the grammar is very different.

Bemanto - A language made by Trezker

Last updated 3 apr 2002

Svenska - Bemanto ordlista
Bemanto grammatik

This language is no longer developed by me, so i you want you can take it over. If you do, I'd like to cooperate with you though. But my main concern is Aoni.

Aoni grammatik och ordlista m.m.