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art by alex is the best

I'm Alex, I'm 16 and I draw pictures of my friends, people I work with, places I go and things I see.
Want me to draw your picture? Want to talk about how I drew you? Like/Hate my drawings?
Then email me
I lost my crayons, so I am buying new ones soon
Sorry for the delay, buddies. I am lovelorn and therefore, uninspired.....

My car. 1966 AMC Rambler Classic.
Vanessa, former co-worker, now teaches kindergartners gymnastics

Brannon, hard rocker for life, likes girls from Canada

I Love Becky2

My asst. manager Kasey bought a new shirt
I bought donuts for my fellow employees and myself this morning

My view from the box office on Thursday night. Couldnt find black crayon, so i used orange instead.

Lena, in my improv troupe, a girl
Myself, i forced myself to draw myself. i'm not a kid, i'm the kid

Becky #2's Funeral, drawn late last night on a receipt from my work.

Cheryl, I'm going to the movies with her today
Anna, plays flute

i didnt wash this hat after i bought it from Salvation Army
Cordelia, who i dont think likes me anymore
crazy guy in my improv group, Keith

7/23/01 evening:
the chairs i draw in
we have two beckys at work
i eat here on my lunch breaks sometimes, Chicken Bowl
my version of's Red Robot

7/23/01 morning:
really funny guy i've known since 8th grade, Darren
one of my best friends and bowling teammate, Skyler

30 year old usher at my work, Dan
Janelle, who laughs at every one of my jokes
co-worker who just put in her two week notice, Danielle
super nerd, Ian
co-worker who never smiles, Bethany
another co-worker, Anthony

my assistant manager and buddy, Nick
my co-worker, Josh
my sorta boss, Kasey
projectionist at my work, Rahlee(name misspelled)