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Kotori Monou

The Kotori Gallery

Kotori Monou, in the anime, was quite frankly annoying. She did nothing other than get kidnapped, and even then didn't do that especially well.
When I picked up the first Manga, Prelude, I was expecting her to be as she was in the anime. Instead I was surprised by a bishojo heroine who actually behaved as a heroine. She is a girl who has had many traumatic events happen to her, but always remains happy and chirpy. Her devotion to Kamui is rather impressive, and is upset when he rebuffs her. She is also the only girl in the school to understand her brother, Fuma. 'His soul is so eloquent...' she tells her friends. She is evidently a special girl, but despite her weak heart she will not be treated any differently to other girls.

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