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Bachelor's Grove

(This is a poem about an old abandoned graveyard in Illinois that is about ten minutes from my home. It is one of the top 20 most haunted places on earth, and it's a breeding ground for devil worshippers and drunk teenagers who rip open graves. What time has done to this place is terrible, but it scares people to this day. If you're really interested, go to any search engine and punch in the name and read about it).

These woods are
and brave with
the littered ghosts
looming overhead.

One can realize
the intense
left by these spirits
if only people
would cease to rape
the graves of
the people that time
simply forgot.

They gather, Satan’s
suburban choir,
and abase the grounds
with their ceremonies.
The night plays games
with the minds
of locals
who hear any sort of
malfunction in sound
and see ghosts of gangsters.

Bachelor’s Grove: a place
for all sinners to greet
another sinner with
a ghastly story from
a scared shitless kid.

© 2000, Christopher D. Pratl
