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Kristina Sisco
Abigail Williams

Birthdate unknown
Mother biological, Molly Conlan
adoptive, Mrs. Williams
Father biological, Holden Snyder
adoptive, Mr. Williams
Siblings half-brother, Luciano Grimaldi (adopted by Holden)
half-brother, Aaron Snyder
half-sister, Faith Snyder
Maternal Grandparents biological, unknown
adoptive, unknown
Paternal Grandparents biological, Emma and Henry Snyder
adoptive, unknown
Aunts Iva Snyder Benedict (Holden's sister)
Meg Snyder (Holden's sister)
Ellie Snyder (Holden's sister)
Julie Wendell Snyder (by marriage to Holden's brother Caleb)
Uncles Seth Snyder (Holden's brother)
Caleb Snyder (Holden's brother)
Jason Benedict (by marriage to Holden's sister Iva)
Josh Sticklyn (by marriage to Holden's sister Meg)
Cousins Pete Wendell (by marriage - Julie's son)
Carly Tenney (Molly's cousin)
Parker Munson (Molly's cousin)
Played By Kristina Sisco since November 1999
Tidbits Abigail grew up with her adoptive parents, but moved to Oakdale in early 2000 to live with Holden and Lily.

She is currently attending Oakdale Latin and living with Jake and Molly.