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        Q: Viewers seem to enjoy the chemistry between Kristina and Craig Lawlor (Abigail and Adam). Do you have a storyline in the works.

        Kristina: I know that there is definitely a story line in the works. Summer is the time for the teen story lines to come

        Q: Who would you like your character to interact with more?

        Terri: Kristina and Ben Hendrickson

        Kristina: Terri and Paul Taylor 

        Q: What would you change about your characters?

        Kristina: She's been to happy lately. What's a soap if you can't cry a little?

        Terri: I think I'd like for Katie to mature a bit. I'd lvoe for someone to fall in love with her, so she can experience that. 

        Q: What do you think are the best scenes that Katie and Henry have had so far?

        Terri: I loved the very beginning of the relationship. It was great to have this crazy couple start from nothing. Some
        stuff coming up is going to be really fun - a Survivor getaway, type thing. 

        Q: Will we get treated to scenes from Adam and Abi's prom date?

        Kristina: There's definitely going to be a prom. I think the show really wants it to air in the summer so that teens are
        home from school. We haven't taped it yet, but I think fans will like it a lot.

        Q: Do you have any favorite scenes:

        Terri: It's hard to look back but, my favorite to tape were the Endicott awards, and the stuff with the stalker, when it
        became more real. I always wanted to be in a horror movie.

        Kristina: I think in the beginning of the year, I've never been challenged more than finding out about Molly and Chris
        and there were 3 weeks of crying every day. Going back and looking at those scenes now, I'm so proud of how they
        came together. 

        Q: Today we saw catfight #2 between Katie and Ruby. How much fun was it to do those scenes?

        Terri: Those will be my favorites from this year so far. We really go into it. I've never been in a real fight, so it's fun to
        live through the character.

        Q: What's it like working with Paul Leyden?

        Terri: He is an amazing actor - I love working with him. He's so good, it doesn't even feel like acting. There's so many
        layers in the character. And he's easy on the eyes - what a great job I have!

        Q: Did you guys go to your proms?

        Terri: I did go - I went with Neal Patrick Harris when I was a sophomore. I also went with all my friend when I was older,
        in a big limo, and that was a lot of fun.

        Kristina: The second semester of my sophomore year, I decided to home school. So, I never went to prom! Last year, at
        the Emmy's I thought this is my prom. It was much better than any prom or high school function.

        Q: If you had to choose one CD to put on right now, who would you listen to?

        Terri: Dave Matthews, Under the Table and Dreaming.

        Kristina: Actually, I have two friends who are recording artists. I would say Lighthouse.

        Q: How often do you get recognized when you go out to eat or shopping?

        Kristina: For me personally, it's few and far between. I love to hear people's opinions of the show. They immediately
        recognize me and say I love Abigail. It's exciting to me.

        Terri: It didn't happen for me until about 2 years into the show. Even now, people look at me and I know they know, but
        they won't say anything, but then I talk to them.

        Q: What actor who has left the show would you most like to return?

        Terri: Julianne Moore, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

        Kristina: I love Keith who played Reid/David. I loved him.

        Terri: and Jamie too.

        Q: Do you watch any other soaps?

        Terri: I grew up on Y & R and I still watch (it's on CBS, so its OK). And I watch B&B because its on before our show. And I
        like to see what's doing on the other shows, just to see the work of other people.

        Kristina: It's sad to say I'm hooked on B&B. I don't know why I'm hooked on it. When I get a chance, I like to flip around
        channels and try to read soap mags and see other people's work.

        Q: Kristina, why don't you sing on the show?

        Kristina: I am going to sing on the show. I'll give a spoiler. Something is going to happen this summer, maybe a
        wedding and maybe somebody is going to sing at that wedding. You never know.

        Q: Terri, are you excited about getting married?

        Terri: I just can't wait for that moment when we say the vows. And its been a lot of fun running around and getting
        everything ready. But it has also been comercialized. It's worth the time to do things to make it your own.

        Q: What cast member do you admire most and why?

        Kristina: Lesli Kay because she's a professional and always prepared. She has a 14 month old son and stays up with him
        all night and comes in the next day and knows all her lines. I'm very impressed with her. She's just like a second
        mother on the set. I admire her working habits.

        Terri: I'd say - well there's so many - but Eileen Fulton has been on the show for 40 years, and she has stayed
        passionate about the show and the fans. She does a cabaret show becayse she love to sing. She follows her passions,
        which is amazing.

        Q: Who was your biggest inspiration to become who you are right now?

        Kristina: That's a tough question because my biggest inspiration has been my faith and my family. Jesus Christ and my
        parents. I wouldn't be here without that.

        Terri: My parents are definitely my inspiration and I wouldn't be here without them. If I win an Emmy, I want to have
        that chance to publicly thank them for all the support they've given me. Acting is not easy, and you need support, and
        I got it from them and my friends.

        Q: Hunt Block is an awesome actor ... how is it doing so many scenes with him?

        Terri: It's interesting - he is so focused. Its a different dynamic than doing scenes with other people. And also, he's
        really funny, but most people don't get that 
        because of his character.

        Q: How has the show changed since Hogan has been HW?

        Kristina: I think the whole morale has changed. It's injected new life because it came at a point where the actors were
        rallying together to bring the show recognition.
        It kind of made everyone excited. It changed in that sense and brought everyone together.

        Terri: I agree, and I also think he injects comedy at the right times, which is very important in soaps. He has a gift for
        bringing out layers in characters that you would
        never have thought of before. Who would have thought Katie had a goofy side? 

        Q: Is it difficult working with little twin girls on the show? Or do the behave well?

        Kristina: Surprisingly, it's not difficult. They have a backup set of twins in case they start crying. It was written in the
        script that they got to run around, and they got 
        so excited! I was running all over and couldn't find the little girl who was referenced in the scene. She's sitting at the
        bottom of the camera. So, I had to go offset and get her. 
        They are very well behaved.

        Q: What are your favorite television shows?

        Terri: I love Sex and The City, and I'm into the Sopranos lately. And I always seem to get sucked into VH1 Behind the
        Music, no matter who it is about. And the same thing goes for Inside the Actor's Studio.

        Kristina: I agree with Terri, Inside the Actor's Studio. Nobody takes the same road. I also keep the E Channel on all day.
        My guilty pleasures are the WB shows.

        Q: What are your favorite movies?

        Terri: The Sound of Music, The Breakfast Club and Casablanca.

        Kristina: Forrest Gump, and I will watch Titanic a million times and it never gets old. Also, Somewhere in Time is such a
        beautiful love story. Also Newsy is a favorite.

        Q: Do you have any plans to venture outside the world of soaps?

        Terri: I definitely want to do movies. I eventually want to produce, because I want to be able to tell the stories I want
        to tell. I love movies, because they can change the way you think about things. And now I'm into comedy, maybe

        Kristina: I think I'm just so young and there's so much I want to learn like writing screenplays and directing. I love to
        learn and grow.

        Q: How is working with Martha Byrne?

        Terri: She is amazing. SHe was going to be my answer for the Who do you look up to questions. She's very passionate
        about what she does and she's so giving and kind. And she is 
        such a good mother and friend. I can't say enough. She's gotta win that Emmy - I'm a presenter, I'd love to give it to

        Q: If you weren't acting in soaps, what do you think you'd be doing today?

        Kristina: I would be studying in Italy. Probably cinematography.

        Terri: I would probably be traveling, if I had the money - I love traveling. I've been to Europe, and Hong Kong, and I
        want to go everywhere. Careerwise, maybe photography. It's creative!