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  quicktime videos of all major Greek sites Ancient Jokes Hannibal and the Punic wars The Archive of Greek and Roman Drama Performance  
the Ermine Street Guard  Gladiatorial Games

The Classics Pages - Andrew Wilson's rich and varied site
Didaskalia -The Journal for Ancient Performance
Perseus Project
The Greeks, Crucible of Civilisation - interactive site

Resources for Vergil
Pyrrah's Roman Pages
Odysseus- Culture website of Greek Government
Hellenic Bookservice
Roman Britain -
de la Bedoyere, for Villas, Coins, R. Army, Hadrian's Wall
Actors of Dionysos
- quality performers of Classical Drama
Pinkmonkey Notes on the Aeneid - and much more
The Latin Library

Imperial Fora Official Website - excellent reconstructions and live webcam
Reconstructions of Classical sites
ARLT - the Association for Latin Teaching
Classical Resources from David Parsons - including links to outer space!
Livius - articles on Ancient History. Big, varied Dutch site
Classics for All - for anyone fascinated by the Classics
Archaeology Links - more links on my site, mainly archaeological
VCoins - The Online Ancient Coin and Antiquity Show
J-Progs - offers a complete range of Classics software for Mac or PC
Archive of performances of Classical Drama - ancient drama on the modern stage
Ancient Battle Animations especially for Carthaginian Wars
The Ermine Street Guard - re-enactment group
Textkit - to help you learn Ancient Greek and Latin
Hannibal - the most comprehensive web resource on the life of Hannibal
IRIS - new magazine, for modern, imaginative and innovative responses to the Classics.
Glossary of Roman military terms

History Degrees online - Learn from the past to make a great future


Odysseus - Greek Government Culture Site Actors of Dionysos

Classical Association





Pyrrah's Roman Pages


Imperial Fora official website

J-PROGS offers a complete range of Classics software for Mac or PC


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