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  • Aegisthus - lover of Clytemnestra
  • Aeschylus - writer of tragedies
  • Agamemnon - King of Mycenae, led Greeks to Troy
  • bard - singer of epic poetry
  • Clytemnestra - wife of Agamemnon
  • cyclops - cannibalistic one-eyed giant
  • Democracy - rule by the people
  • Dionysos - god of wine and theatre
  • doric - severe style of architecture
  • epic - long poem about gods and heroes
  • Helen - wife of Menelaus, ran off with Paris
  • Hera - wife of Zeus and Queen of Heaven
  • Homer - the greatest of all epic poets
  • Iliad - Homer's poem about Troy
  • ionic - elaborate style of architecture
  • Jason - hero who fetched the Golden Fleece
  • kouros - early Greek male statue
  • Lion Gate - entrance to Agamemnon's Mycenae

Don't look too closely at this lady. She is Medusa!

  • Medea - witch who helped Jason
  • Medusa - a gorgon whose stare turned you to stone
  • Menelaus - brother of Agamemnon
  • metopes - blocks of relief sculpture on temple
  • Mycenae - home of Agamemnon
  • Odyssey - Homer's tale of Odysseus
  • Olympia - sanctuary of Zeus, home of Olympic Games
  • oracle - sanctuary where predictions about the future could be heard
  • Paris - His taking of Helen led to Trojan War
  • polis - the city state
  • Quod erat demonstrandum- I think I proved my point!
  • rhapsodos - professional bard or singer
  • sanctuary - holy place, sacred to a god
  • Socrates - Athenian philosopher, considered the wisest of men.
  • Spitting Image - satirical puppet show
  • temple - the earthly home of a god
  • Trojan War - the war fought by the Greeks to get Helen back
  • Zeus - King of the gods and the sky

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