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Chapter 20 - Dying

It’s now the year 2442. Rainbow and Taylor are laying in their bed. Tthe time is almost near. their life span was getting shorter bye the minute. Rainbow layed in bed looking at Taylor noticing he was looking back at her.
"Are you scared my love?" Taylor asked.
Rainbow smiled and replied, ”How can I be scared. You're right here next to me. I love you Taylor."
"I love you to Rainbow and I kept my promise to the end. I promised I would protect you for the rest of my life and I shall protect you in death my love. I want to see my brother Isaac. Anyway... I miss him and Tree Flower I miss her also." Taylor stated.
Rainbow frowned and said, ”We won’t leave our bodies at the same time. We will go seperately. Promise me you’ll be waiting."
Taylor smiled and replied, ”I promise I’ll be waiting for you my love."
Taylor fought to keep awake but was losing.
Before he went to sleep he sang--- If I’m gone when you wake up, please don’t cry. And if I’m gone when you wake up. It’s not goodbye. Don’t look back at this time as a time of heart break, and distress. Remember me. Remember me. Cause I’ll be with you in your dreams… I shall always be with you in your dreams my love, even though you can’t…see…me…I’m…there."
With that Taylor closed his eyes losing the fight. Rainbow watched his breathing get shallower and shallower until he had stopped breathing.
Rainbow said, ”I know you’ll be with me Taylor and I know I’ll be with you. But love will find away to lead me back to you and for that my love it can wait."
Zac and Tierra made there way down stairs and discovered Rainbow in tears with her arms rapped around Taylor’s body.
Zac ran and checked his pulse. He had none.
Zac looked at his brother with tears in his eyes and quietly said, ”I’ll see you soon Taylor. Please tell Isaac I said hello and mom and dad."
A soft voice whispered in his ear, ”I will Zac…I love you."
Zac whispered, ”I love you to Taylor."
Zac sat down next to Rainbow and said, ”You will join him soon enough Rainbow. Don’t wish your life away."
Rainbow nodded and smiled wiping the tears out of her eyes. Rainbow got up and clung to Tierra. Tierra put her arms around her and Zac. It would be another year till Rainbow died.

One year later Rainbow was laying in her bed looking around at her family and friends. Finally she spoke.
Rainbow said, ”My family and dearest friends I know I will be leaving soon, so I want to say to you that you’ve been a good family. Even my friends have been good to me…and I shall miss that. But Taylor’s waiting for me. He promised he would meet me. Zac do me a favorite and sing…With you in your dreams, because I love that song and it will help calm my nerves down a bit."
Zac started to sing. Rainbow found it hard to keep her eyes open and knew it was coming so she said, ”My family I promise this one thing. I shall always be with you in you dreams…no…matter…what…happens…or…what you can’t see. I’m…there…"
With that said Rainbow lost the battle and fell asleep. Her breathing became more and more shallow until she two quit breathing.
Rainbow felt herself being pulled out of her body and into the air up ahead she saw what looked to be like Taylor, although she wasn’t sure. She flew closer and discovered it was Taylor.
"Taylor!" She cried.
Taylor looked at her and flew to her. Just then her soul stopped and hugged him.
"I’ve missed you." Rainbow said as tears filled her eyes.
"I’ve missed you to my love." Taylor said.
Rainbow said, ”Hey you got wings! Cool. What did you do to earn them?"
Taylor laughed and replied, ”Keeping my spirit up while I was away from you. I’ve looked down on you since that day I died and I will continue to from this day."
"Hey Rainbow. Long time no see." Isaac’s voice said behind her.
"Yeah!" Another voice rang out. It was Tree Flower.
Rainbow turned and hugged her.
"It’s been so long my sister. You’ve said it all." Tree Flower replied.
Rainbow asked, ”When are Zac, Tierra and Lady Flower joining us?"
Isaac replied, ”Zac and Tierra are going to be with us in two years and thirty four days. But Lady Flower has another five years to live, but don’t worry. She’ll be with us soon. So will he."
Rainbow turned to Taylor and said, ”I guess in the end we all lived happily ever after. Didn’t we Taylor?"
Taylor smiled and replied, ”Yes Rainbow. We lived happily ever after."
So Rainbow and Taylor flew through the skies with Isaac, and Tree Flower beside them. Soon after Zac and Tierra joined them and then they were a family again. Rainbow and her sisters met their mother, brothers, the two sisters, and their father all up there in the skies where they would remain free for all eternity.


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