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Ripple Burst

By Frdsnomr

Example of other tags I made with this turorial
are at the bottom of page.

This tutorial was written for FlyByNightGraphics and is not to be copied, uploaded to another site, or group list without prior written consent by the author.
All rights are reserved.
June 14, 2001.

Here is the Picture I used to make
The Ripple Burst in this tutorial.
Right Click on it to save.

Here is the Bear Tube that I use.
Click on the Bear to download him as a PSP file.

Here is the fonts that I used.
Click on the Fonts to download it.

Open a Picture you want to use.

Go to Edit> Copy
to Copy your Picture.

Go to Edit> Paste> As New Image.

Minimize the original Picture we will use it later.

Now resize the new picture so the Height is 150.
Remember to Sharpen if your Picture is Blurred.

Click on your Selection tool
setting: Ellipse
Feather 0

Draw an Ellipse in the middle of your picture
or the part of the picture you want for the burst.

Go to Edit>Copy.

Open a New Image 250 x 250 Transparent.
Turn on Your Ruler (View> Ruler).

Go to Edit>Paste as New Layer.
Do this 4 times.
(You should have 4 Ellipses on your Image).

With your Move Tool>
Move one Ellipse to the Right,
one to the Left,
one Down,
and one Up.
Make them overlapping
so they look something like a Diamond.
Staying away from the sides by about 1/2 inch.

Go to Layers> Merge> Merge Visible.

Go to Effects> Geometric Effects> Circle.

Go to Effects> Geometric Effects> Ripple
Settings: Horizontal and Vertical Center> 50
Wavelength> 1
Now the Amplitude you can set where you like.
I used 35.
Play with the Amplitude until you get what you like.

Go to Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow
Setting: Vertical and Horizontal> 0
Opacity> 40
Blur> 2
Color> Black

This is what you should have.

Now decorate how you like.

When you are done decorating it.

Go to Layers> New Raster Layer.

Go to Layers> Arrange> Send to Bottom.

Click on your Flood Fill tool.
Fill this new layer with a color you like.
(This is your Background)

Now go to Selections> Select All.

Go to Selections> Float.

Go to Effects> 3D Effects> Cutout
Setting: Horizontal and Vertical 4
Opacity> 100
Blur> 30
Color> Same as your Background but a darker shade.

Do the same Cutout
Changing the Horizontal and Vertical to> Minus 4.

Selections> Select None.
This is what you should have.

Set your background color
to one of the colors from your tag.
(Don't use the color you use for your background).
I used Red.

Go to Image> Add Border
Setting: Symmetric> Checked
Size> 5

Click on the border with your Magic Wand.

Go to Effects> 3D Effects> Inner Bevel. I used the Preset> Pillow
Bevel> top row, second from the left.
Width> 8
Under Image: Smoothness> 40,
Depth> 2,
Ambience> 0,
Shininess> 10
Under Light> Color White,
Angle> 315,
Intensity> 50,
Elevation> 20.

Selections> Select None.

Change your Background color to White.

Go to Image> Add Border
Setting: Symmetric> Checked

Click on your Border with your Magic Wand.

Change your top Style Box to Pattern.

Click inside your top Style Box
to bring up the Pattern Window.
In your Pattern Window> Pick your Original Picture.
Scale> 100
Angle> 0

Click on your Flood Fill Tool.
Fill your Frame.

Go to Effects> 3D Effects> Inner Bevel
Same settings.

Selections> Select None.

We are done.
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.

Here are some others that I made.

Mail Questions to

Thank You FlyByNightGraphics for this Award!

This tutorial was written for FlyByNightGraphics June Tutorial and is not to be copied, uploaded to another site, or group list without prior written consent by the author.
All rights are reserved.
June 6, 2001.

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