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The Story of My Life

So you are really that bored that you want to hear all about my life now huh? Well, more power to you I guess. Here's a compiled version of those "learn about your friends" questionnaire email thingies....

Nicknames: Brun, Brunette_grrl (both from chat), Peanut (revived from childhood by a dear friend), Kat (jr. high)
Parents names: Birth: Michael Ray and Julie Ann, Surrogate parents: Al and Linda
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: I don't remember when I last had a birthday cake....16 I suppose....
Date that you usually blow them out: June 5th
Pets: Two cats, Wade and Vito
Height: 5'4"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Piercings: Just one hole in each ear...and if they would grow in, none.
Tattoos: None
How much do you love your job?: As I am unemployed....I LOVE it for now :D
Birthplace: McKay Dee Hospital, Ogden, Utah
Hometown: Roy, Utah
Current Residence: Salt Lake City, Utah
Been in love?: yup
Loved someone so much it made you cry: nope
Been in a car accident?: Nope
Croutons or Bacon Bits: Croutons
2 door or 4 door: 4 door, I despise 2 door cars.
Sprite or 7UP?: Sprite
Coffee or Ice Cream: Ice cream hands doesn't make my tummy upset...
Blanket or Stuffed Animal: Brian...but I don't think he counts as either...

Favorite Groups/Singers: Beattles, Doors, Fleetwood Mac, Diana Krall, REM, the Eagles, Nat King Cole, Simon and Garfunkel, Counting Crows, I really like music. :-)
Favorite Songs: Anything by the Beattles, "An American Prayer" by the Doors, "Best of My Love" by the Eagles, "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac, "Losing My Religion" by REM, "Scarborough Fair" by Simon and Garfunkel
Favorite Composer: Ludwig von Beethoven
Favorite Classical Piece: Beethoven's 9th, Vivaldi's Four Seasons
Favorite Movie: Princess Bride, Men in Black, Matrix, Wizard of Oz, American Beauty, Dead Poets Society, Labyrinth, When Harry Met Sally....and lots more.
Favorite Authors/Poets: Kurt Vonnegut, Maya Angelou, Shel Silverstein, Ray Bradbury, Shakespeare, Jay Schuh
Favorite Book: Fahrenheit 451, Tuesdays with Morrie, Of Mice and Men....there's too many.

More Favorites:
Salad Dressing: Catalina, Ranch, Balsamic vinaigrette
Color of socks: Who thinks up these things?
Number: 5
Holiday: Thanksgiving (it's like Christmas without the religious stuff and presents)
Foods: Italian!!!!!.....or Chinese.....tough choice...
Day of the week: Thursday
TV Show: I don't have one.....Will and Grace I guess....Umm...Who's line is it anyway?
Word or phrase: DUDE!
Toothpaste: Colgate Total gel
Restaurant: Formosa Grill, Tucci's, Stone Ground
Flower: Red roses, daisies
Zoo Exhibit: Monkey house, big cats
Disney/Warner Bro: Warner Bro. -- Marvin the Martian
Fast Food Restaurant: Arby's -- Curly Fries!
Type of Ice Cream: Dryers Strawberry
Color: Blue
Toy: computer? Legos?
Favorite thing to wear: Pj's
Smell: Cinnamon Apple, Hazelnut, Spring rain, freshly baked bread
Sound: Rain, thunderstorms, the ocean
Soundtrack: Bye Bye Love, Sleepless in Seattle
Favorite Fruit: Raspberries, strawberries

Random Questions:
What is the color of your bedroom carpet? Beige
What was the name of your childhood blanket? Blankie
How many times did you fail your permit or Drivers License? Once....
Have you ever commited a crime? Not gotten caught for anything, I'm not telling
Which single store would you choose to max your credit card at? None
What words or phrases do you over-use? DUDE!
What do you do most often when you are bored? Chat
Name the person that you are friends with that lives the furthest away: Not counting online friends, Adrian in Illinois…counting online friends Wiwi in PA
Most annoying things are: Bad Utah drivers, self-righteous religious people, and Republicans
Best thing: Sunny days with nothing to do, but play!
Bedtime: Whenever I decide to go to bed?

Other stuff:
Siblings: One younger Brother, Nick
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, harassing my bf and other friends, messing around on my computer
Dream Car: Silver BMW 3 series, VW Passat, or Toyota Prius
First thing you notice in a person: Smile
What you want to be when you grow up: HAPPY!
Current Job: Professional bum
Least favorite singers: Ministry, Honky tonk country, Anything that is popular with teeny boppers (read Nsync, Britany Spears, Backstreet Boys, etc)
Car you drive: '88 Chevy Corsica POS
One pillow or two: Two
Pen or Pencil: Pen
First thing you thought of when you got up: I don't wanna get up yet....
Do you get motion sickness? When I ride in the backseat of a car, yup.
Rollercoasters--Scary or exciting: Scary
Future sons' names? Mark, Braedon (I have to talk Brian into this one)
Future daughters' names: Samantha, Georgia
Chocolate or Vanilla cake? Vanilla
Do you like to drive? Depends on what I am driving
Thunderstorms, cool or scary? VERY VERY VERY VERY COOL!!!
Would you dye your hair and what color? Depends on my mood, probably just lighten it though
Would you get a tattoo and of what? NO! It involves needles near my skin...
Favorite Gum: Trident Cinnamon or Fresh Mint
What is on your bedroom walls? A couple of pictures
Which Doritos do you prefer, Cool Ranch or nacho? Cool Ranch
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Yup
Have you ever been attacked by a big dog? Nope, they like me
Do you eat chicken with a fork? Yup....I'm a priss
What kind of shoes do you prefer? Comfy ones?
What's under your bed? Cats and some dust bunnies
Do you wear glasses? When I have to
Have you ever had braces? No
If you were a dog, what would your name be? Princess?
How do you eat oreos? By chewing of course
Which kind of milk is your favorite? Chocolate, 1%
If you were to kill someone which method would you use? So many choices....
Right, left or both handed? Right

Which is better....
Pepsi or Coke? Coke
Oranges or apples? Both
Television or Radio? Radio
Honestly, what do you notice first? Smile
Must have personality trait? Sense of humor
Hair-- curly or straight? Either
Hair-- long or short? Short usually

What is....
Your favorite breakfast? Besides caffeine? Scrambled eggs, wheat toast, some fruit
Your favorite thing for lunch? More caffeine?

