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Here is where you can view the pedigree and family history of Katie Jane Armstrong. Enjoy.

Geneaology Charts
-Chart 1 -Chart 8 -Chart 15 -Chart 22 -Chart 29
-Chart 2 -Chart 9 -Chart 16 -Chart 23 -Chart 30
-Chart 3 -Chart 10 -Chart 17 -Chart 24 -Chart 31
-Chart 4 -Chart 11 -Chart 18 -Chart 25 -Chart 32
-Chart 5 -Chart 12 -Chart 19 -Chart 26 -Chart 33
-Chart 6 -Chart 13 -Chart 20 -Chart 27 -Chart 34
-Chart 7 -Chart 14 -Chart 21 -Chart 28 -Chart 35

August 7: It's over! 19 generations, 35 charts later, it's over!

Charts 20-35 are up. Now, I'm going back through and finding all the names I haven't made charts for. By the end of today, any names without links have no further information (It's a waste of webspace to make a chart with 15 unknowns.). And from 19 on, the order will probably not make sense. Just don't worry about it. I mean, I don't. I'm just concerned about the links working.

July 31: Charts 1-19 up and running. Work will probably come slow over the next few months, as I have grueling marching band training for my London trip, hence why I'm putting up so many as fast as I can.

More coming soon! (As in after the charts are done)