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Zach Ben Our Pets Album




This is a picture of me, my husband - Jeff, and my two step-sons, Ben (on left) and Zach (on right).




My husband, Jeff is an avid SCUBA diver with multiple certifications from PADI and SSI.  He recently completed his Dive Master certification! If you would like to see more and get in touch with him, please visit his website: Jeff's Personal Profile Page.

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Zach is quite the athlete!  He loves to play baseball!  He has played baseball for the Ellendale Little League and football for the Shelby Youth Sports Elmore Park Packers.  He also likes to read and play on the computer.  His new favorite gadget is his PlayStation 2 (PS2). He and his dad play Ghost Recon together and he loves to play college football, too! Zach likes to go to the Pink Palace Museum in Memphis because it has a large dinosaur exhibit and he wants to be a paleontologist after his stellar pro baseball career is over!

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Ben is an active 8 years old who likes the outdoors and animals!  Ben would rather be outside riding his bike or playing than sitting around watching TV.  He loves animals and they instinctively know that and love him back!  Even animals that don't know him instantly take to him - he's a little Dr. Doolittle!  He is also interested in all things related to Native Americans and has decorated his room with a Native American theme.  Ben's favorite place to visit is New Orleans.


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Cosita is my Jack Russell terrier.  She is trying to get through the dogs days of summer by hanging out in front of the fan.  An extremely intelligent animal, Cosita can figure out a way to do what she wants even when she knows she shouldn't.  Tenacity is a strong quality in a Jack!


Belle is our Black Lab.  She is the sweetest dog in the whole world!  We got her from the Memphis Humane Society when she was a few months old.  She was found as a puppy in Tipton County and she had been injured in some way, resulting in the loss of her right eye.  She and Cosita are best friends and love to go to Shelby Forest where they can explore the woods under the watchful eye of "Mommy" and "Daddy"!

This picture is called "Miss Kitty's NOT dead" because she's not.  She just likes to lie on her back with all four paws in the air.  She also was adopted from the Memphis Humane Society on the same day as Belle.  She tolerates my husband but loves me.  She is not a lap kitty but loves to hang out on top of the computer monitor when I'm working.

This cutie pie is a devil in disguise!  This is Cortez, a stray that my husband brought home one night.  He is named for the great explorer, Hernan Cortez, who may have "discovered" a new world but he also left a path of destruction and ruin in his wake.  Our cat is much the same.  Ever curious as a kitten, he "discovered" many things but, as his namesake before him, our little Cortez left plenty in ruins when he was done!
UPDATE: Cortez is no longer with us. He developed FIP, which is incurable, and the decision had to be made to euthanize him. Our wonderful veterinarian, Dr. Bell, at the Marion Animal Health Center and his staff were very helpful and supportive during this difficult time! Cortez had claimed Jeff, Ben, and Belle as his "pride" and was kind enough to allow the rest of us to live in his little "kingdom"! He will be missed! Our memories of him will comfort and sustain us....

For more information about FIP, please visit the Cornell Feline Health Center website.


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