My Dearest Tiffany.  I am so in love with you it hurts at times.  Being Apart is tearing me up inside.  I would do anything to have you at my side agian.  I hope you like this Poem i found for you.  It explains how i feel about you to the letter.  Love you

I Love You Tiffany


A True Love
by jesse

I look up at the stars above
And I thank god
That I have the chance to love

Love is essential
And for one to find
Such a true love
That is so divine

A sweeter person
I値l never find
The loving and caring
Lets us bind

Binds us together
As true lovers do
Hearts will grow fonder
As they grow true

True to each other
For ever and ever
True love never dies
As long as we are together

Together forever
Is how we will be
Two hearts will be as one
Forever, you値l see

True love is a sweet thing
True love is so fine
True love is life long
True love will survive

As I sit here I look at you
And I see a heart
A heart so wonderful
A heart so true

A heart so true
As yours is
Is a gift sent from above
To enable us to give

We give, We take
We sleep, We wake
We live, We love
We breath and we break

Don稚 break my heart
Forever yours I値l be
Loving you always
Wherever you may be

If you leave
I値l await your return
For without you I知 nothing
Please don稚 let my heart burn

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