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Weights & Measures

Here are a few charts with some of the most commom measures, eqivilents and substitutions.

Equivilent Measures

3 teaspoons(tsp) =1 Tablespoon (T)
4 Tablespoons=1/4 cup
16 Tablespoons =1 cup (C)
2 cups =1 pint (pt)
4 cups =1 quart (qt)
2 pints =1 quart
2 quarts =1/2 gallon
4 quarts =1 gallon (gal)
8 quarts =1 peck (pk)
4 pecks =1 bushel (bu)

Liquid Measure

1 oz. liquid =2 Tablespoons
2oz.liquid =1/4 cup
4 oz. liquid =1/2 cup
8 oz. liquid =1 cup
32 oz. liquid =1 quart
64 oz. liquid =2 quarts
16 oz. =1 pound(lb)

Measurements and Amounts

1 stick butter or margerine=1/2 cup
2 cups butter, margerine,
or shortening
=1 pound
1 cup flour=1/4 pound
4 cups flour=1 pound
2 cups gran. sugar=1 pound
3 1/2 cups conf. sugar=1 pound
2 1/2 cups brown sugar=1 pound
4 cups ground cocoa=1 pound
1 cup finely chopped nuts=1/4 pound
1 cup grated cheese=1/4 pound
2 2/3 cups cubed cheese =1 pound
about 23 saltinesmakes 1 cup crumbs
2 T. lemon juice=juice of 1 lemon
4 or 5 whole eggs
or, 8 egg whites,
or,12 egg yolks
=1 cup eggs
2 T. egg substitute=1 egg