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1. What is your age?


Answer: ________


2. What is your religion?


Answer: ________


3. If you are Christian, what is your denomination?


Answer: ________


4. What City/Town have spent most of your life in?


Answer: ________


5. Are your parents alive?


Answer: ________


6. What is your occupation?


Answer: ________


7. What is your highest level of education?


Answer: ________


8. If you’ve attended a university, what was your course of study?


Answer: ________


9. What is/was your mother’s occupation?


Answer: ________


10. What is/was your father’s occupation?


Answer: ________


11.Which languages do you speak proficiently other than English?


Answer: ________


12. What is your current city of residence?


Answer: ________


13. Which section of the city do you currently reside in?


Answer: ________


14. How many siblings do you have?


Answer: ________


15. You were the _______ (1st, 2nd, 3rd …etc) born in the family, out of ______ children.


Answer: ________ , _________


16. Gender of all siblings:  ____ boys, _____ girls.


17. What is your mother’s religion?


Answer: ________


18. What is your father’s religion?


Answer: ________


19. How are relations between immediate family members and yourself?


Please check the appropriate answer.

__ Good

__ Very Good

__ Excellent


20. Do you tend to make decisions


__ In total solitude

__ With the advice of a few people

__ With the advice of moderate numbers of people

__ With the advice of large numbers of people


21. Arranged marriages are…


__ No longer appropriate

__ Were never appropriate

__ A good idea if the decision is made by consensus, including the thoughts/feelings of the daughter/son as a major consideration, and while the daughter/son is at least a nominal adult.

__ A great idea if the decision is made by consensus, including the thoughts/feelings of the daughter/son as a major consideration, and while the daughter/son is at least a nominal adult.


22. Success in marriage is most likely the result of…


__ Compatible temperaments.

__ Ongoing effort, genuine attempts to understand the others perspective negation and compromise over time

__ Prayer


23. How is your eyesight?


__ Excellent

__ Good

__ Fair


24. Do you wear spectacles?


__ Yes

__ No


25. What do you do when you are not working?


Answer: _____________________________


26. Is the wife’s legitimate role in decision making to provide input and to advise, with the husband making the final decision? Why?


Answer: _____________________________


27. Should the wife and husband divide responsibility for decision making equally, attempting to arrive at a consensus? Why?


Answer: _____________________________


28. Should the husband make all the major decisions, with the wife making the minor ones, as has been done traditionally throughout the world? Why?


Answer: _____________________________


29. Which of the following values to you hold most dearly?


__ Being cooperative, trying to help achieve harmony in most situations

__ Being strong in order to be in a position to help others

__ Being just, even everyone disagrees with you


30. When entering an unfamiliar situation, your first question is…


__ What are the rules?

__ Don’t worry, we’ll get through this.

__ I cannot really affect a situation positively,  unless I am in a position of power.


31. What are the main duties of a husband to his wife?


Answer: ________


32. What are the main duties of a wife to her husband?


Answer: ________


33. What are the duties of a parent to their children?


Answer: _____________________________


34. Which best describes you?


__ Communist

__ Socialist

__ Capitalist


35.  Do you get angry?


__ Occasionally

__ Rarely

__ Almost Never

__ Never


36. Do you prefer…


__ Action

__ Contemplation

__ Both action and contemplation


37.  Do you have


__ Very short hair

__ Short hair

__ Mid-length hair

__ Long hair


38. How many times a week do you wash your hair?


Answer: ____


39. Would you describe yourself as….


__ Very serious

__ Serious

__ Not very serious


40. Are you of _____ intelligence?


__ Average

__ Above Average

__ Exceptional


41. Are you of ______ competence?


__ Average

__ Above Average

__ Exceptional


42. How would you describe you overall health?


__ Average

__ Good

__ Very good

__ Exceptional


43. How many hours per week do you work?


Answer: ______


44. Do you smoke?


Answer: _____


45. What is your build?


__ Strong and Sturdy

__ Thin

__ Medium


46. How deeply do you sleep?


__ Lightly

__ Of moderate depth

__ Deeply


47. Do you make decisions


__ Very quickly

__ Quickly

__ After a reasonable amount of time

__ Slowly


48. Do you have


__ Many, many friends

__ Many friends

__ A few close friends


49. If you could eat anything without physiological consequences, or guilt, what would your dietary preferences be?


__ Sweets/Candies

__ Meat/Protien

__ Rice

__ Vegtables/Fruits


50. What is the main problem with people today?


Answer: ________________________________


51. Which three characteristics would those who know you best attribute to you?


Answer: ________________________________


52. Would you describe your tolerance for discomfort/pain as


__ Above Average

__ Very high

__ Exceptional


53.  Would you describe you patience as…


__ Above Average

__ Very high

__ Exceptional


54. Is your weight?


__ Above Average

__ Average

__ Below Average


55. Are you thin?


Answer: ___


56 Are you very thin?


Answer: ___


57. Are you physically very sturdy/strong?


Answer: __


58. The first obligation is to…


__ Oneself

__ One’s family and friends

__ Society


59. The second obligation is to…


__ Oneself

__ One’s family and friends

__ Society


60. Would you describe yourself as a fanatic?


Answer: ____


61. What was your rank in your class during the last two years of formal education you had?  How many students were in the class.


Answer: _____ , ______


62. What is the most important thing in life?


__ To do God’s will

__ To be morally upstanding

__ To do all things in moderation and follow the middle way

__ To make full use of the gifts that God has given us

__ To live a life full of people and share with those people day to day


63. How is your mother’s health?  What, if any, are the problems?


Answer: __________________________________________


64. How is your father’s health?  What, if any, are the problems?


Answer: __________________________________________


65. How are your siblings health?  What, if any are the problems?


Answer: __________________________________________


66. What is your favorite beverage?


__ Soft drinks

__ Water

__ Coffee

__ Tea


67. Describe your dwelling.  How big is it? How many people live in it?


Answer: ____________________________________________


68. What are the three biggest obstacles that you face every day?


Answer: ____________________________________________


69. How many non-Indic languages do you speak proficiently?  What are they?


Answer: ____________________________________________


70. What are your three greatest pleasures in life?


Answer: ____________________________________________


71. Compared to others, is the skin at you extremities (hands, face, etc.)?


(Check all that apply)

__ Dry but beautiful

__ Moist

__ Clear


72. When you wake up, how do you usually feel?


__ Slow to get up, but accepting that one has to get up

__ Eager to get up

__ Very eager to get up


73. When you get up in the morning, how do you usually feel?


__ Somewhat rested

__ Moderately rested

__ Well rested

__ Very well rested

__ Very very well rested


74. Do you get sad?


__ Often

__ Occasionally

__ Rarely

__ Never


75. Sex before marriage is best viewed as….


__ A serious sin

__ A substantial sin

__ Something wicked

__ Inappropriate and problematic

__ Appropriate as long as the two parties are in a committed relationship

76. This is question 76?

__ Answer 1

__ Answer 2

77. This is question 77?