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Animal friends and their Masters

These are all pictures of either horses I've trained and sold or of my friends and their horses/dogs/cats....

Attitude Plus

This is "Addie." She is a 1997 Canadian Thoroughbred Mare. She stands 16 hands. I got her from Thistledown Race Course. She was pretty sore behind when I got her. With time and patience she was able to become strong and completely sound. I sold her to Sannon (pictured) in august 2001. I had planned to keep her forever and breed her. But as it sometimes happens, I found myself scraping up everything in order to keep her. So with a heavy heart, I found a wonderful home for her. She now lives in southern ohio with her new owner. Shannon is currently showing her in dressage and plans on doing some lower level eventing with her. This past november she attended her year end awards banquet for her dressage club where she and Addie were awarded reserve champion!Update: Addie took third place in two different training level classes at Findlay. Her new owner says there were over 25 in each class!

This is "Teddi." (below) He was just purchased 3-25-02 by Margaret Webber of Commerce Georgia. If you missed out on him and her still interested please visit her website at Maple Shade Farm

Everyone below this point is NOT for sale. These animals belong to friends of mine and are only here to show them off! :) So enjoy!

Lady's Debt Of Honor ("Muffy")

The Royal Rocket("Rocket")

Class to Call("Classy")


Special Glitter("Glitter")


These are some horses owned by my friends John and Roxanne Kaufman. They have barrel racers. Check out they own that site. Keep checking back because they always have young horses for sale and will have a stud available this spring.

Hookana's Lady ("Gabby")

This horse is owned by my friend Jen. She shows her in english events and also in contesting.

This is "Morph." He belongs to my friend Carie.

This is my puppy "Raven." She loves this chair! She's pictured here ar 4 months of age.

This is Raven with my other dog "Jazz." Jazz is my "first born."

This is my boyfriend's dog "Zeus."

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