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Davey Bros. Movies


American Ryan
1000 Demons
Ryan of the Lambs
Final Lap Twin / An Old Murder

Please note:

American Ryan: The movie that started it all, originally planned to be a very short, unanimated series of pictures with voice-overs focusing around the "So... do you like... knives?" phrase. We then thought, why not expand on this? And we did, working from the middle of the movie towards the beginning and end until we made opening and closing credits. We decided to show some of our family and friends, and after receiving good feedback, we were encouraged to make more movies in similar styles, but with completely new and fresh stories and characters in each one. * * * * * 1000 Demons: The 2nd movie we've made, 1000 Demons came about when my brother was studying WWII in school, and he thought to himself "What if someone found some of hitlers DNA, and created 1000 clones of him?" I knew right away that was going to be the idea behind our next movie. * * * * * Ryan of the Lambs: Our 3rd movie, based on the movie 'Silence of the Lambs'. Alot longer than our previous movies, it also took alot longer to make. * * * * * 8/9/05 We have released a double pack with a couple small movies that Ryan was mainly responsible for, regardless they are quite funny... Final Lap Twin - based on an old video game for the turbo graphix, this movie is funny even if you haven't played the game (but more funny if you have). An Old Murder - Short but hilarious, hard to explain how it came about but if you listen closely you can hear an actual life insurance commercial playing in the background. Bizarre!
