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Christianity has often been referred to by skeptics as a "crutch," along with many other religions and ideologies. I would like to refute this statement by saying that Christianity is not a crutch, merely used to hold yourself up and discarded when no longer necessary. Christianity is a helping hand, that of the Almighty, to hold us up, lift us up, and, as is invariably necessary in senseless blind men such as we all are, pull or push us in the right direction. I have but one question for people who refuse out of hand Christianity because it is a "crutch," and that is this: Would you not accept a helping hand if you were lame? If you were to reject out of hand the crutch (here I am speaking of a real crutch, which easily lends itself to such an illustration) because it is rejected among intellectual circles , such as your own superior intellect certainly attains to, how much more you are the fool. If you reject the cross because you see it as a sign of weakness, how much more your frailty is revealed. If you reject the crutch because you are an independent, forward-thinking person who can get along without, how much more you are doomed to lay stagnant on the side of the road, a beggar, a hypocrite, the epitome of what you oppose in rejecting this crutch. How sorrowful you will be when you find out that, with the aid of such a crutch, you could have soon become able to walk again, unfortunately, this is where the comparison between crutch and God ends, for when you have been healed by God, you cannot, indeed will not want to, leave His presence. That is why the idea of a helping hand is more effective, that of a shepherd even more so, so we will skip the intermediary step and move strait to the best, most accurate, most Biblical comparison. The shepherd cares for his sheep, and he will lay down his life for them, he loves them, cares for them, watches over them, and, when they are hurting, carries them until they are well, then when he places them back in the flock, the no longer infirmed sheep will follow the shepherd more closely than ever. This is true Christianity, not a crutch, but a relationship, not a handout, but a helping hand, not a weakness, but what will, in sufficient time, and indeed, the only time that will ever account for anything, be counted as a strength.
