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For Peja’s latest dance challenge

Apples and Oranges VII
Plan B

By Aries

X-Files M/K

Rated NC-17 for language and m/m sex

Eighty-five bottles of beer on the wall, eighty-five bottles of beer...

Mulder shifted in his seat and looked around the darkening room before letting his gaze rest on the silent man across from him.

"My ass is starting to get numb. I gotta get up."

Receiving no answer, he rose from the chair and circled the room once. He stopped in front of the window and peeked out for a moment before making his way to the table and poking at the fruit.

"You see these black grapes? They’re the size of plums. Scary. They’re good, though. Sweet. They’d be perfect if they were seedless." Mulder looked over at Alex to find the other man still looking at the floor.

"You hungry yet?"


"Okay, well, I am. You mind if I eat something?"

Not waiting for an answer since he knew one wouldn’t be coming, Mulder picked at the contents of the platter all the while keeping one eye on the silent man. When he ate all he was going to, he broke open a beer and walked over to where Alex sat. Holding the bottle in front of the other man’s face, he waited. When Alex made to move to take the bottle, he backed away.

"Y’know, maybe a beer wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Might loosen you up a little."

Still no response.

"Well, I could use one or two." He drained half the bottle before grabbing another and dropping down on the bed. "Maybe more." He finished the first bottle and began on the second before speaking again.

"How long, Alex? How long are we gonna do this dance?"

Not a word.

"You gonna try and wait me out? Is that it? You figuring that sooner or later I’ll get tired and fall asleep, and you’ll just waltz on out of here?" Mulder dragged himself back against the headboard. "Think again. I’ve gone days without sleep. You play this game...I’ll win."

"That’s real important to you."

"He speaks." Mulder set the empty second bottle down by his leg. "What’s important to me?"


"Everybody likes to win once in a while. I’m no different. But it’s not everything. I’d throw this in a heartbeat if I thought it’d bring us back together. But it isn’t going to work that way, right?"

Finally up out of his seat, Alex wandered over to the window, looking out into the growing darkness.

"’Course not," Mulder murmured, answering his own question. "So. I have to win. I will win, Alex. I’m not letting you go. You’re going to face what’s bugging you, do you understand me? You’re going to deal with it, and we’re going to move on."

"The only thing that’s bugging me," Alex said softly, "is you."


"Fuck you."

"I heard that."



Alex looked away from the window at the man on the bed.


"Wanna fuck?"

Alex ignored the jolt that had just gone through him.

"Will it get me out of here?"


"Then I’ll pass."

"If I’d said yes, would you have come over here and let me undress you?"

Mulder saw no change but for the tiny, defiant upward tilt of the other man’s head.

"Would you let me get on my knees in front of you and suck your dick down my throat?"

Alex swallowed hard and fought to maintain a steady respiration.

"Tell me you wouldn’t like that." Mulder reached down and played with the top button of his jeans. "You love the way I suck you. It’s been such a long time. Come here, Alex. I’m tired of all this. Let me make you feel good like I used to. And then we’ll work the rest out."

Alex virtually teetered where he stood. His heart pounded, and desire rushed through him at a thunderous rate. He wanted to take those few steps over to the bed. He wanted to so much, but if he did...

Mulder’s narrowed gaze followed Alex’s motion as he turned back toward the window.

Okay, plan B.

"You want me to go over there and get you?"

Mulder got off the bed and walked slowly over to Alex, giving him a chance to dodge his advance if he wanted to. Instead, the younger man stood frozen in his spot in front of the window.

Mulder felt the hard shiver pass through Alex’s body as he embraced him from behind.

"You want me," Mulder whispered then bucked hard against Alex’s rear. "You feel how much I want you?" He drew his tongue up the side of the other’s neck as one hand lightly caressed the prominent bulge at the front of Alex’s jeans.

"No," Alex gasped. "Fox...n-no..."

"Fuck this no shit." Mulder squeezed the denim covered erection, and Alex groaned as he thrust involuntarily into the older man’s hand.

"Don’t," Alex almost sobbed, even as his head fell back against Mulder’s shoulder. "I can’ don’ don’t understand."

"Make me understand," Mulder grated against the side of Alex’s bared throat as he massaged his swollen cock through the skin-tight jeans. "I’ve been asking to understand."

"Stop," Alex gasped, the fingers of one hand clenching in the curtain as the other flattened against the wall.


Mulder deftly undid Alex’s jeans, and his hand plunged inside, grasping the hot shaft and squeezing rhythmically. Alex’s mouth fell open, and a harsh gurgling sound erupted from his constricted throat.

"You’re going to talk to me," he hissed. "Because we’re not leaving here until you do."

Alex was too far gone to challenge him. All he could think about, all he could feel or want was there down in his jeans, pumping him toward one mind-blowing climax.

"C’mon baby," Mulder breathed in Alex’s ear as he jerked the younger man’s cock almost violently. "Come get it."

Alex’s screams reverberated throughout the room, and, Mulder was sure, beyond. He came long and hard, soaking Mulder’s hand and his jeans, and when he finished, his legs buckled. Only Mulder kept him from sinking to the floor. The next thing he knew, he was being half-led, half-carried to the bed and being laid down as carefully as Mulder could manage.

He could hear the soft intake of Mulder’s breath as a scalding wetness burned a path down his cheeks. Fingers, gentle and soft, cut through his tears, and he began to cry.


