For those of you who will be graded/evaluated, you will:
1. submit your demo tape and other indicated long program tapes you have completed
2. You will write a detailed paper, describing your problems, experiences and the most important aspects of each lesson in the series. Each lesson will be an individual report of at least 3 double spaced pages.
3. You will be given a true/false, multiple choice and short written answer questions - test which will both cover what you have been expected to learn in the classes, and may include material relevant to the general field of videography - which you are expected to have enough of an interest to be abreast of the field.
You should also write the papers on the classes as I have indicated above. - put them aside - for a few weeks - then read them and attempt to be objective - try to understand what you have learned and where you need to go from there.
Good luck
I am constantly adding new links and adding and expanding various pages in the manual