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Two On A Teeter Totter

About the book -

Originally, “Two On A Teeter-Totter” was a monthly article printed in The Providers’ Pride, the newsletter of the Family Day Care Association Of The Santa Clarita Valley, located in California. I asked the members the questions and printed their answers each month.

I joined an online networking group and began asking those members the same questions. This gave me a broader outlook and more answers and ideas. When I decided to put it in book form, I began interviewing other providers, too.

This book is made up of the questions posed to child care providers all over the United States and their candid answers. The answers were gathered through email, questionnaires, phone calls and interviews. They are the opinions of the providers, and not the author. In most instances, two or more sides are offered for each question. Hopefully, the questions will make you think and the answers will help you with problems you might have or can avoid by thinking them out before they happen.

Some topics covered:

  • What do you do about parents who stay too long at pick up time?
  • How do you prevent prospective clients from being “no shows” at the interview?
  • What is your policy about holding a space open for a child?
  • Do you become friends with your day care parents?
  • What do you tell parents when they complain that daycare is so expensive?
  • About The Author

    Ann Gentry was a licensed Family Child Care Provider for 10 years. She also worked as a nanny for two years.

    Ann has been the newsletter editor for The Family Day Care Association of the Santa Clarita Valley for the past four years. Although not currently a child care provider, she stays active in the child care profession by serving on the Board of the Association, and doing workshops for other providers.

    She has two books currently published about child care.

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