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Major General
Patrick Ronayne Cleburne

Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp #1433
Pine Bluff, Arkansas

        The Patrick R. Cleburne Camp # 1433 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, located in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, was Chartered by the National Sons Of Confederate Organization in January of 1986 and has been active in the preservation of Southern History and Heritage of southern Arkansas.  Having taken the name of one of the greatest and most noble personages in Arkansas History as our camp namesake, we have strived to follow in the example which General Cleburne has for all southerners.  Commitment to our purpose, unflinching devotion to our cause, and dedication to the preservation of the southern ideals.

 General Patrick R. Cleburne Memorial Services

        The Patrick R. Cleburne Camp has conducted an annual Patrick R. Cleburne Memorial Service, for General Cleburne memory each year since it's charter.  This service is presently conducted on the Saturday closest to General Cleburne's Birthday, March 17th, and is supported by the Arkansas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans along with the 1st Arkansas Infantry, Co. "D", "Clan McGregor", the 6th Arkansas Infantry, Co. "A", "The Capitol Guards", and the 7th Arkansas Infantry Regiment, Co. "I", of War Between the States Living Historians, who strive to portray the men who fought under General Cleburne's Command.

        These services are conducted at General Cleburne's Graveside located on the Confederate Cemetery portion of the Maple Cemetery in Helena, Arkansas, overlooking the Mississippi River.

     Annual Memorial Services will be 
Saturday, March 15, 2003

More information can be found on the  Cleburne Memorial Web Page.
Many Thanks to Preston Ware.

Camp White Sulphur Springs Confederate Cemetery

        The Patrick R. Cleburne Camp also in deeply committed to the preservation and restoration of the Camp White Sulphur Springs Cemetery and related historic camp and site at Sulphur Springs, Arkansas in Jefferson County.  This Cemetery which was started during the War as a burial site for those men who died from disease in the Hospitals of a Camp of Instruction located at White Sulphur Spring Post Office in Jefferson County in 1862.  This Cemetery later became the burial place for men from several units not only from Arkansas, but also from Texas and Missouri as they conducted operations that were supported from this Military Base.  Possibly as many as 300 to 400 men may have been buried in this cemetery.

        The cemetery was used after the War as a civilian cemetery until after 1912.  It was abandoned and fell into disrepair during the middle portion of the 20th century and used for other purposes until 1995 when members of the Patrick R. Cleburne purchased the land and began the restoration process of this important piece of Southern Heritage, which involved not only White Southerner, but Loyal Black Southerner, Hispanic Americans as well as Native American in the Southern cause.

     Annual Memorial Service activities will be 
October 8th and 9th, 2005.

        For times and events scheduled, please contact Jerry Lawrence or Henry Mark Kalkbrenner below.

Marks Mill Battlefield Preservation

    Members of the Patrick R. Cleburne Camp are also involved in the restoration and preservation of the Marks Mill Battlefield located off of Arkansas Highway #97, South of Kingsland, in Cleveland County, Arkansas.  This Battle sealed the fate of Union General Frederick Steele's Red River Campaign and forced General Steele to retreat from Camden, Arkansas for want of supplies and resulted in the Battle of Jenkin's Ferry during that retreat toward Little Rock.  This marked the last attempt for the Union Forces to occupy the Lower portion of the State of Arkansas.
    Members have erected information signs and Historical Marker at various locations on the Battlefield, That are not a part of the State Park on Highway #97.  They have constructed nature trails, erected Flag Poles, and Pioneer Life displays near the Marks Family Cemetery and Mill site along with the location of the opening events of the Battle which stretched for almost two miles.

    A major project planned for the future, is the raising of funds to place a Historical Granite Marker near the site of the First shots of this Battle at the Crossroads intersection, which will contain the names of all known person Northern or Southern who were killed there.

Photographs and Information can be found at the following sites:

  Marks' Mill State Park and Cemetery Park

  History of Marks' Mills: A Confederate Victory


        Membership in the Partrick R. Cleburne Camp #1433 of the Sons of Confederate is granted through the International Sons of Confederate Veterans Organization in Elm Springs, Tennessee to any Male decendant of a Confederate Veteran whose service to the Southern cause was deemed Honorable. In accordance with the terms of membership of that organization.  Without regards to race or National Origins.

        For additional Information on Membership requirements you may contact by mail:

        Jerry Lawrence
        2620 West 28th Street
        Pine Bluff, Arkansas

        Or By e-mail to any of the Gentlemen listed below.

Commander:  Jerry Lawrence                                            Adjutant:  David T. Taylor                                                          Treasurer:  Glenn Railsback

          1st Arkansas Infantry, Co "D", "Clan McGregor"   Captain Henry Mark Kalkbrenner


Patrick R. Cleburne Memorial Page;

Camp White Sulphur Springs Cemetery Homepage

6th Arkansas Infantry, Co. :A", "The Capitol Guards"

7th Arkansas Infantry Co. "I"

Arkansas Division: Unitied Daughters of the Confederacy

International Headquarters, Sons of Confederate Veterans

National Headquarters, Daughters of the Confederacy

Webpage designed by:  DeTaylor Designs

Since August 5, 2000.

Last updated:
September 27, 2005

Background Music:

Bonnie Blue Flag
Barry Taylor
Folk Music of England, Scotland, Ireland, the Wales, and America