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Aztec Timeline 




Brief note: Aztec migration occurred around 1111 A.D. and last 150 years. Around 1325 A.D. the rise of their reign came into existence that lasted until 1519 A.D. (arrival of Hernán Cortez). 


1168 A.D. Aztec Migration started because their war and sun god commanded them to search for new home.

            -Native land called Aztlan


1248 A.D.  Permission to settle in a place called Lake Chapultepec

                        -México’s Flag symbol discovered

                        -Lived peacefully for about a century


Note: Conflicts occurred between Aztec and the neighboring tribes

                        -Aztec defeated and captured as salves

                        -A few escaped to a place called Lake Texcoco

                        -Built military and living at Lake Texcoco

                        -War among other tribes, and Aztec took advantage

-Joined one of the tribes (Culhua) and defeated the other tribe (Xochimilca)


1325 A.D.  Aztec established the city of Tenochtitlan (capital)


1340 A.D. Aztec domination of other tribes due to their military and economic power

                        -Triple Alliance came into existence and rise of Aztec empire

                        -Joining of capital to neighboring valleys, Texcoco and Tlacopan


1420 A.D. Aztec conquest spreads under reign of Xicatl, southwards



1430 A.D. Nezahualcóyotl king of Texcoco for 40 years

                        -Philosopher king, poet, writer, generous


1427 A.D. Itzcoatl came into power (1427 to 1447 A.D.)

                        -Developed the city

                        -Secured Independence

                        -Technology came into existence

                        -Development of roads and bridges

                        -Set-up of trade system


1452 A.D.  Great scarcity began due to dearth (1452-1454)



1468 A.D. Moctezuma I came to power

                        -Greatest of all Aztec kings and leaders, powerful

                        -Improved on the city, built pyramids, botanical garden

                        -Conquest through south of Oaxaca, found resources such as maize, coco, etc.

Note: After Moctezuma I three successors came Ayayácatls (1469-1481), Tízon (1481-1486), and Ahuítzotl (1486-1502), who ruled majority of the southern Mexico.

1496 A.D. Death of Tlacaelel, brings inexperienced Moctezuma II

                        -Instability in Aztec realm

                        -Moctezuma declares himself Aztec God

1500 A.D.  Aztec conquest reaches Guatemala and Yucatán

1519 A.D. The end of Aztec domination and their realm

                        -Prophecy for the return of Quetzalcóatl, year 1 reed in Aztec calendar

                        -Arrival of Hernán Cortez

                        -Moctezuma II was the king

                        -Aztec Destruction began